Unconscious Return

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Stepping back from her and getting to his feet, he examined the blade in his hands and didn't toss it back to her. "I'll just hold onto this for good measure. Despite you not wanting to kill me, you might still want to get a few good revenge stabs." Will placed the dagger presumably in an inner pocket of his cloak before he crossed his arms over his chest. "Lead the way, Bluebell."

His eyes scanned over her form slowly, and heat swarmed her cheeks. Looking down, she quickly bundled up the dress and covered her front. Without its thin layer of protection, she might as well have been nude due to how soaked she was. (F/n) picked herself up to her feet and retrieved the wet blanket as well.

Pretending that Will wasn't present, she ripped off the dress skirt, tossed the thin fabric aside and replaced it with the thicker blanket. She kept on the corset piece of the dress and held it shut with her hands. (F/n) held her head up high; she wouldn't let the a**hole humiliate her anymore. As her body began to shiver again, she marched past him and headed out of the secluded area.

A chuckle rang behind her, and she almost turned around to slap him. That was until she caught sight of the pale flying creatures in front of her. As they hovered in the air in front of her, they gracefully dodged the larger raindrops that filled the air. It would be a spectacle to see if she didn't grow enraged at their presence. So, they had been watching that entire exchange.

She bottled up her anger, however, and put it into her walking. (F/n) went right past them and was tempted to hit them to the ground. Resisting the urge to do so, she watched them fly ahead a bit to guide her back to their home. Will's footsteps could be heard behind her, but her attention fell on the soft voice in her head. Tarhuinn was calling her again.

Even though her body was recovering from absolute terror and increasing anger, a small smile graced her lips. She was finally going to see him again. It hadn't even been a week, but the past few days were a nightmare, and she was ready to leave it. (F/n) suspected, though, that she wouldn't see a smile upon his lips. No, Tarhuinn would have his gaze focused on Will.

Frankly, she wouldn't mind seeing her husband tear Will to pieces. At the moment, she couldn't allow that. She wouldn't let Tarhuinn's rage ruin all the effort that she put into getting Will to follow her. In the future, though, Tarhuinn could do whatever he pleased. Will would get his bottle of serum if it really did exist, and he would receive the welcoming hand of death as well.

Their walk continued through the night, and Will stayed behind her the entire time. Occasionally, he would be closer to her, but he never stepped beside or in front of her. She could feel his eyes scanning over her form, however. The pervert was probably picturing her in only her soaked undergarments or less.

Thankfully, she had some spare undergarments still in her pack back at the pixie home. If she were lucky, some spare clothes would be in there as well. There was also her cloak. She could be decently covered again. Her eyes traveled to the mark on her right shoulder, however. Will had defiled the mark but made it seem like he hadn't ruined it.

Touching the spot with her left fingers, she wished it to just be gone. No longer could she picture Tarhuinn's lips there. Instead, she imagined Will hovering over her in the night. The thought caused a chill to run up her spine. Perhaps, she could ask her husband to kiss the area again. When the idea came to her, her cheeks warmed up. No, she couldn't outright ask that of him. She bit her bottom lip and shook her head. That would be far too embarrassing. It didn't help that he was calling her name.

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