Some Clarity

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Dull lantern light flickered across the room again, and the sound of running water pressed on. (F/n) rolled onto her left and stretched her arms out some as if attempting to cuddle with the sheets. To the girl's disappointment, she found no soft fabric to greet her. Rather, her hands were met by the cold stone. This discomfort caused her to steadily open her (e/c) eyes.

Upon doing so, she was met by a stone wall and drawer. She glanced up only a little to see her bed slightly above her. So, she still had the habit of rolling off of the bed. At least, she hadn't rolled into the water. Moving onto her back, she noted that Tarhuinn wasn't there, which was a relief. It would've been embarrassing to wake up next to him.

Sitting up, she found that she could only do so steadily. Her limbs were sore from sleeping on the stone, and she wondered how he could tolerate such a bed. Still, where he had gone off to? After she rubbed her eyes some, she glanced around the room.

When her gaze met the bathtub, heat flooded her cheeks, and she grabbed the sheet off of her bed to cover her face with. A little warning would've been nice. Luckily, in her quick glance, she had only seen his bare shoulders and the top part of his chest.

"You're certainly shy, (f/n)," came his voice in between soft laughs.

"Well, forgive me, good sir, but unmarried people in my village typically don't take baths in the same room! Or, at least that's what I was taught!" she shouted out. She didn't mean to, but her bashfulness was currently running her speech at the moment.

She heard a splash and footsteps progressing towards her in the water. Tensing some, she didn't dare uncover her face. "Well despite me finding your reaction cute, you're in the way of my clothing drawer. So, you can either move onto your bed or let me pick you up and move you." Her cheeks burned at mental image of the second option, and she pulled the sheet away some to climb back onto her bed.

Facing away from him, she still clutched at the sheet as he opened his drawer. "Let me know when you're finished changing," she murmured, hearing another laugh from him.

"Of course, but do you plan to bathe this morning?"

"Yes, but I'll only do so once you leave the room. Unlike you, I have a sense of privacy."

"I've noticed, but there's something wrong with your plan," he voiced as the sound of footsteps filled the room again. She shut her eyes tight and cursed in her head. He was definitely coming her way, and he hadn't told her that he was changed yet. Hands rested on her shoulders and cool breath blew onto her face. It smelled of soothing mint. "You can open your eyes, (f/n). I've already changed."

Hesitantly, she did so and tried to keep the heat away from her cheeks, but he was so close. She could feel her heartbeat increasing. (F/n) backed away some or tried to, but his grip on her had tightened some. "Wh-what's this issue in m-my plan?" she questioned, looking down and refusing to meet his stare.

"It's simple. This is our room, and you can't force me to leave. What if I wish to stay and watch you bathe?" he breathed out, moving his face closer to hers.

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now