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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Bang! Bang! Startled, (f/n) jolted from her sleep. She didn't go flying off into the water due to Tarhuinn's secure grip around her waist. They had both finished cleaning themselves up and had decided to rest their eyes for a short time. It would seem that their time for sleep would be made even less. Tarhuinn's dark blues snapped open, and, instantly, he went on the alert.

Both of them stared to the door and quietly got to their feet. "Byda, are you really going to stay in there until the kelremm heals completely?! I know that you're furious about your hand, but why don't you come join me? You're probably only glaring at him right now, and you could be doing something so much better with your time." They remained as silent as they could, knowing that one wrong move could sound an alarm at any moment.

There was a pause in Rocean's persistence. Perhaps, he had given up, but they couldn't hear any movement from his end either. That would give them the ability to leave the room and go after him carefully, but this was also a chance to corner him. She glanced up to Tarhuinn, and his gaze stayed on the door. Did he have a similar idea? He needed to be careful, though, because of his wounds.

A loud laugh soon sounded. "Don't tell me that you ignored Phyon's directives?" Again, they allowed no words past their lips. "You did, didn't you?! Now, you have to let me in!" The lock kept him out, and his laugh grew in volume. "Are you torturing him, right now? If so, I could always tell Phyon; I'm sure that he wouldn't appreciate your behavior."

Leaning down, Tarhuinn whispered, "Hide." His arm slipped from around her waist as he made his steps forward heard. She complied and made herself scarce from sight. Tarhuinn pushed the table aside and unlocked the door. Slowly, he pulled back and remained behind the door. Rocean stepped in and looked around.

Confused, he paused. "Byda ..." His sky-blue eyes spotted the drops of blood coming from the ceiling. Hesitantly, he stepped forward some more and gazed upwards. From her hiding spot, (f/n) saw the blood drain from his face. "Wh-what? N-no ... m-my lo-love." He backed up in disbelief as the door slammed shut behind him, and the lock clicked once more.

"I'm surprised. You're acting as if you actually cared for her deeply." Tarhuinn leaned back against the door, and he nearly looked amused. Swiftly turning, Rocean's shocked expression morphed into one of hatred, rage and possibly elation.

"So, you managed to escape from her? I'm surprised. Byda lets no one go once she's in such a fired up mood." His lips curled up into a grin. "Don't tell me that your little wife is in here as well? Then again, she couldn't inflict a miniscule cut on Byda. No matter, I'll take up Byda's task and make sure that you suffer in here for a long time." Deftly, he reached down and pulled out two daggers, one each from around his calves.

Unimpressed, Tarhuinn pushed himself off of the door. He appeared nonchalant in the whole affair. That didn't last very long, however. "You disgust me." Unsheathing a knife, he twirled it between his right fingers and held it in a hammer grip. "You act as if you're honoring that female kelremm by your plans to torture me. You're doing no such thing. You're too late to honor her. You made it so by your constant desire to bed others."

Moving closer, Rocean chuckled and shook his head. "You're criticizing me because I wasn't overprotective of my partner? That I wasn't faithful to her? Please," he shrugged and smirked, "I'm just a kelremm who likes a little variety. Nothing wrong with that."

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