Near the Heart

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Her whole body went tense, and her eyes stayed pinned to the hallway. Tarhuinn had grabbed the lantern by that point, but he quickly noticed her fearful expression. His gaze turned to the now darker hall. Immediately, he ordered in a quiet voice, "(F/n), we need to get back into the forest room and do so quickly."

She only nodded her head slightly as they rushed over. Something zipped through the air, however, and soared right between them. Had she taken another step forward, she would've been dead. Her heart rate increased while her grip on his hand tightened. An arrow lodged itself into the stone wall to the right of them.

Tarhuinn, at this point, pulled her forward before he swept her into his arms. He wasted no time in dashing forward. Another arrow flew by, nearly striking him. Footsteps started to run down the hall, but (f/n) didn't look. She trusted Tarhuinn to get them to the room in time. Seeing their attacker would possibly induce more panic. To try and calm her racing heart, she went over the grips and strikes in her mind. Hopefully, there wasn't more than one attacker, but she would prepare herself regardless.

Making it to the forest room, Tarhuinn ran over to the trees and into the small woods a little ways. He hid the lantern behind one of the trees, but its warming glow remained readily visible. Tarhuinn ran out of the woods and towards the left wall of the entrance. After he set her down, he motioned for her to press herself up against the wall as he did the same.

In the blink of one's eyes, he unsheathed a dagger and had it at the ready. She upturned her gaze to his. An uneasy chill ran up her spine. He intended to kill the person in one swift strike. His expression held no mercy, and it seemed like he would attack her if she spoke to him. There was no doubt that he was consumed by murderous rage.

Hesitantly, she reached out her right hand to try and ease him, but approaching footsteps caused her to withdraw it. The point of an arrow made its presence known first as well as a medium blue hand. It looked fixed on the light behind the one tree. Slow and careful footsteps advanced. When the kelremm walked fully into the room, Tarhuinn remained deadly silent.

While the attacker continued forward, Tarhuinn crept up behind him. His steps matched the steps of the attacker so that his movements in the water wouldn't be detected. To (f/n), it was both horrifying and thrilling to observe. It terrified her because she realized how easily her husband could sneak up on her if she were ever required to make the journey on her own; however, it was exciting because she could watch and learn. Unintentionally, he was giving her another lesson in combat.

The attacker was a few steps from the lantern. He was about to discover that they weren't hiding there. When he took his next forward, Tarhuinn closed the distance and brought down his blade to strike. His blade almost made it into the male's heart if it weren't for the male acting on a split second. Bringing up his bow, he blocked the attack, but his weapon was ruined in the process. With a broken bow, he tossed it aside and gripped onto the arrow to defend himself.

Not fazed by this, Tarhuinn swept his left arm against the shaft of the arrow. Effectively knocking the weapon from the male's hands, he struck again with the dagger. (F/n) had barely caught him moving from a reverse grip to a forward hammer grip due to the quickness of the switch. The blade went to swipe across the attacker's chest as the attacker went to jump back. His footing betrayed him, however, and he collided with the base of the water path.

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