Staying Covered and Close

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Stepping out of the pool of water, she seated herself on the ground, dried off her feet, rolled up her pants and put her socks and shoes back on. Once finished, she stood back up only to have Tarhuinn pull her close to him. His left hand intertwined with her right, and he kept a strong grip on her. Thankfully, it wasn't enough to hurt her.

Walking into the market, she glanced around at the various goods being traded, but she couldn't make eye contact with any of the traders. It was frustrating to say the least that she always had to keep her head downturned. Eventually, the two of them stopped, and she glanced over the various dried foods up for trade. Tarhuinn pulled out some of their items and began to collect what they would need for travel if they did have to journey far.

"I never thought that you would bring your partner out here, Tarhuinn. You're usually the more protective out of any of us," spoke the man trading the dried foods.

"We decided to do some traveling before settling down in the house. I'm still keeping her close, but we were curious about some individuals. I haven't heard of their last names before, and I was wondering if you would know something, Carratus."

"I would ask if you drank too much last night, but you don't purchase alcohol. Regardless, maybe, I know something. Who are you looking for?"

"Their last names are Tergii, Amtoma, Bimaa, Rocean and Alpontus."

"I've heard of them but probably from the same location as you. They're the authors of those five books. That's all I have on them, but why would you be searching them out?"

"My wife has some questions for them. She's very persistent on knowing more about our culture. So, I thought that I would indulge her. I know that it's strange to ask, but I couldn't deny her such a request. She made a very convincing argument."

"She must have," Carratus muttered, glancing to her. She kept her gaze down and acted like she was incredibly shy. "Hmm, well, I know of someone that might know a little bit more about them or at least some of them. I wish that my wife was as interested in our history. She read the books, but she stated that she never wanted to read them again. Regardless, you'll want to talk to Delnella. She should be here today."

"She's one of the metal workers correct?" He received a nod from Carratus. "Alright, thank you. I wish your wife, son and you well." After receiving a word of thanks from the dried foods trader, they headed off in the direction of this Delnella.

Speaking softly, (f/n) asked, "Tarhuinn, how old is his son?"

"He'll be a year old in two weeks."

"Then, we still have plenty of time to help them."

"First, we're extending your life. You're my priority. The others will come afterwards. I would like to save everyone, but that might not be realistic. So, I'm making no promises to anyone except to you. If this exists, I promise to extend your life first. And, you've already made it clear that you wish to live longer. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here. I'm not letting you die so easily now."

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