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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Sitting in a wooden chair, she held her hands to her eyes. The tears kept coming as she sat a little hunched over. She made her hands tremble. Her ears picked up the sound of the door closing and locking. Despite her show of despair, her mind couldn't help but wonder if she would ever get past that locked door with the supposed mage in tow.

Wood creaked under footsteps. Hands soon greeted hers, pulling them gently from her face. The male crouched in front of her and sent a reassuring smile. He continued to hold onto her hands as his thumbs worked soothing circles into her skin. "Now, no one's going to harm you here. I want you to calm down and tell me who's coming after you."

Looking into his bright green eyes, she noticed that they only displayed kindness. If she didn't have a husband and hadn't known about his darker hobbies, she probably would've melted into his arms. She kept up her terror, however. (F/n) pulled her hands back from his timidly and curled up more on the chair. Frankly, it felt like he was assessing how well her skin would cook when he touched her skin. It only helped to fuel the inner fear within her.

She let out another sob before she took a deep breath and exhaled. "M-my h-husband, h-he thinks th-that I che-cheated on h-him. He-he's fur-furious and told m-me that h-he's goi-going to k-kill me." Her body shook more as the man stood back up and took a seat across from her.

"You look thoroughly exhausted. How long have you been running?"

Not meeting his gaze once more, she made a nervous glance to the window and door. When she turned back to him, he gave her a reassuring smile to continue on. She returned the gesture with a meek nod. "A f-few days, I man-managed to ge-get away on the fir-first and se-cond days, but h-he ca-caught up to m-me to-today. I s-stole his k-knife and f-fought him off but n-not be-before he had ad-administered th-these." (F/n) pointed to the various cuts on her. Only fear reigned in her eyes when she glanced upon them.

"And, do you think that he follows you still?"

Her body froze before she tightly wrapped her arms around her knees. "I h-hope n-not. I kn-knocked him out w-with his k-knife b-before plu-plunging it in h-his l-left sh-shoulder. I'm n-not s-sure if he's st-still alive, b-but I didn't w-wish to chance i-it. So, I con-continued to run. When I s-saw you-your h-home, I cou-couldn't he-help but c-cry ou-out for a-aid. I'm s-so ter-terrified."

Footsteps sounded once more. He held out his left hand. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up. You can tell me the rest once you've settled down."

What he said sounded so close to what Tarhuinn had told her earlier that morning. They were both gentle in their words, but she could tell that Tarhuinn was being genuine. This man, she could only guess that he was trying to spin the art of manipulation around her. She met his gaze with a fearful and doubtful one.

"Trust me. I'm not going to hurt you. I just wish to help." He continued to hold his hand out. She gave him another questioning gaze before she hesitantly reached out and took his hand. (F/n) moved her feet off of the chair and back onto the ground. With a smile, he lifted her up and onto her feet.

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