Going to the Main

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

They checked carefully before they left the torture room behind. No spies, author or mage were in the nearby halls, but light splashes of water sounded. Thankfully, this seemed to alarm no one, but they examined every path before going down or crossing it. Fortunately, they didn't have too far to go to reach the storage room. She just hoped that there was food in those crates.

Coming up to the room, Tarhuinn cracked open the door slightly and peeked inside. He closed it silently afterwards. Two of his fingers were held up. She listened closely and heard two quiet voices on the other side of the door. "Could you see what they were doing?" she whispered as she backed away from the door a little bit.

"They're only talking."

"Well, we need to deal with them quickly. There's a dead kelremm hidden in there."

"You're becoming quite the fighter, (f/n). I'm impressed."

She couldn't help but smile some. "Looks like I didn't need your training after all," she remarked, her smile forming into a smirk.

"We'll see about that later." She wondered if that meant that he would teach her how to fight even better when they returned home. Or, was there some other message behind his words? (F/n) pushed the thought aside for now as Tarhuinn was about to open the door. His hand reached out, and his fingers went to grab the handle, but it was pulled back from him. They both stood face to face with two spies.

Immediately, weapons were unsheathed, and metal clashed. She could barely hold against the one spy; his strength outnumbering her own. His short sword was coming closer to her neck, and, in turn, it was pushing her own dagger nearer to her throat. Tarhuinn, noting this, managed to trip the other spy and slash their neck in the process.

Realizing that their partner had been killed, the second spy kicked (f/n) back. Her breath got caught in her throat, and the spy turned to face her husband. The spy had been too slow, and they had injured her. Tarhuinn wasted no time in defeating the male, but he didn't give him a slow death either. She looked away as metal met the spy's midsection, and she covered her ears to dull the sounds of the grisly death. His cries of anguish were dulled most likely by Tarhuinn covering his mouth, but she didn't peer over to check.

A loud splash signaled that it was over. She uncovered her ears and faced Tarhuinn again. Refusing to look down, she moved the first spy and ignored the second. He dragged the other one into the room, and they stored them behind the crates like the other one. "Someone might notice the blood flowing out of here," she commented, quite worried at an alarm being sounded.

"Yes, we don't have much time to eat something." With that in mind, they washed their hands of the blood by using a nearby, small waterfall in the room. Once done, they began to open crates. Some stored daggers and knifes while other contained spare linens and bath supplies. Beneficially, there were also crates filled with food.

Partaking of some dried fish and fresh fruit, they hurried along so that they could get to better ground. Someone could easily walk in on them and alert another before they could stop them. Amtoma and Rocean were no longer issues, but the mage could subdue them in a heartbeat. They would be wrapped in water bounds and would have to face a terrible fate if they couldn't escape again, and (f/n) had no desire in visiting Alpontus's room again unless it was to end him.

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