Key Findings

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Two weeks had gone by, and the routine over those fourteen days was pretty much the same. She had woken up with Tarhuinn in the morning, and he had shown her how to take care of certain things in the farm and had given her tasks to accomplish while he had taken care of the other things in there. It hadn't been too bad, and she had fun learning how to grow her own food. Holding a fluffy bunny had helped as well sometimes, though; he had reminded her not to get too attached.

The only problem in the farm had been when she had walked over to the window and had stared out at the scenery for too long. He had called her back in a near growl as though he had expected her to go leaping out into the air. So, she had quickly closed the window lest he call her by his favorite nickname, causing her to lose her ability to walk properly.

Besides, tending to the farm with him, she had to go with him everywhere. When he would make breakfast, she would be standing close by or helping. She did like cooking since she had never received the chance to do so back at her old home. The frustrating part was that every day, he had put her on stirring or mixing duty. He had never allowed her to go near a knife, stating that he couldn't risk her accidentally cutting herself.

When they had walked the halls, she had sometimes glanced towards the hall with the exit, which had resulted in him wrapping his right arm around her waist and pulling her close. She had told him that she wouldn't run if the deal was kept in place, but he obviously didn't trust her on that point. What had been worse was when they were going to bed. (F/n) had lain in her bed each night, only to feel him watching her until she had drifted off into sleep.

Aside from these things, they had been in the library. Tarhuinn had taken over the desk in the room, developing detailed proof for why his culture's practices were viable. She had been forced to read in the meantime. So far, she had been introduced to the history of the markets, and how the kelremm homes were built. Since the parents died young and the house passed onto their only child, no new homes ever needed to be constructed in the mountain.

Right now, though, she was sitting in the library with him. She hadn't been reading her work like she was supposed to, but she was more focused on him scribbling notes down on parchment. The desk looked a complete mess, but she assumed that Tarhuinn could care less about that. When she grew bored with observing him, she peered back down at her book.

A word hadn't sunk into her brain before she heard a book slam shut. She jolted in her seat and glanced back to the male in front of her. There was a pleased smile on his lips, and he met her gaze. (F/n) froze a bit. Her time was up. Today would decide her fate.

"What did you find?" she asked, scooting her chair closer to the desk and setting her book aside.

"I found several books that support the max age of the human partner being eighteen for both male and female. And, the books that have these supports do have authors. They're these five." He held up the five books and handed them over to her.

Looking them over, she did find an author's name in each. "What pages are the references on and what paragraphs?" After he gave her the page and paragraph numbers, she flipped through the texts and read over the designated areas. In each one, it was relatively the same. Here and there, a synonym of the word would be utilized. "Can I see the first book that you gave me?"

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