Runaway Fish

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Adrenaline coursed through him, and spears raced towards him. Tarhuinn focused in on the pixie that had the weakest control of their weapon. As the spear was about to scrape past his left cheek, he grabbed it from the guard and twirled the small weapon around between his fingers. The tail and haft of the spear hit the creature in the back of the head, knocking them to the snow below.

Several cuts were made across his arms, but he paid them no mind. Instead, he swiftly focused in on the remaining personal guards of his. Knowing each of their weak points, he hit them all before he knocked them unconscious. As the guards fell to the snow around, the other pixies began to fly into action. At that moment, he darted down the stream. If it were deeper, he would jump in and swim.

He could hear spears flying past while metal being unsheathed rang in the air. His dark blue eyes didn't glance back once, though. Tarhuinn knew that he had at least a dozen pixies on his tail now. It would only become more as the chase continued. The pixies didn't matter, though. Getting to (f/n) was what was important.

His feet pounded hard against the bottom of the stream as it intersected with another and led down the mountain side. The droplets of rain only made his escape all the easier as they helped to deflect the spears some. By now, his hair tie was long lost. Soaked strands of long ink-black hair clung to his face and arms. Small streaks of crimson trailed down his arms, but it was washed away just as it came.

(F/n)'s cloak had been abandoned in camp when he had left the pixie home. Now, he let go of the one tied around his neck. It was slowing him down too much. He needed to be faster to reach his destination. Once off, the article of clothing flew back and blocked several pixies. They were pushed back until their weapons pierced the fabric, and they were able to carry on ahead.

The king and queen joined in on the pursuit. Forming a protective ring around the queen, the king and his personal guards charged ahead to get the queen close enough to the male kelremm without being harmed. They still couldn't catch up to him quite yet. Matters became worse when the stream took a steeper downward slope.

This only caused Tarhuinn to go faster. His feet nearly slid down the rocks under the running water. Surrounding pine trees blocked his view to both sides, but he knew that he still had a ways to go before he reached the cabin. The main concern for him would be running out of stamina before getting to the structure.

Up ahead, tree branches hung over the stream. He ducked in time for them, but he heard several impacts behind him. Tarhuinn lowered himself another time as there were more branches. No more pixies collided into them. While the overhead branches had been a benefit to him, a problem was quickly approaching. Some of the pines' roots grew slightly into the stream.

Cursing, he pressed more on his feet before he jumped into the air and avoided the first of the roots. He had to make several more jumps before he crossed the rough patch of water. Finally, there was a clear space. For a split moment, he was able to see past the trees and spot the lake in the distance. It still was nowhere close to him, and the stream was starting to have a flatter slope once again.

With all the jumping from before, he had already been slowed down some. He would just have to exert himself more, but the pixies had managed to get closer. A few spears finally managed to hit him, landing in his shoulders. Tarhuinn swiftly pulled them out as he noticed two large rocks up ahead in the middle of the stream. Reaching them, his feet left the water as he ran across them and leaped off towards the stream below.

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