Risk with a Bet

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Having completed her bathing and clothes washing, she swiftly had changed and headed on in to dry off by the future fire. The leftover trout had been mixed in a fish soup with some vegetables. Once breakfast had finished, the two of them had decided to go fishing again.

For the moment, the light rainfall had stopped, but there was wind in its place. Unfortunately, it wasn't the most gentlest of winds either. (F/n) wished that she still had her traveling pants so that she didn't have to worry about the dress skirt blowing around. It gave Will an unfair advantage in their fishing competition because one of her hands constantly had to push her skirt back down.

Even when she resorted to sitting on the rocks, her skirt was still not cooperating. Frankly, she also had the urge to knock Will straight into the water for all of his quiet chuckling. She ignored him, however, as she focused now on her skirt. Resting her feet over the rod's end, she secured the pole while she worked on wrapping the dress skirt tightly around her legs. It appeared as though she were trying to create a mermaid tail with fabric.

Satisfied, she held onto the rod again with her hands. Today, she was even more determined to beat Will at fishing. Unlike yesterday, they had placed bets. If she were to win, he would tell her more about his past, but if he won, he would pick out her outfit and take her on an evening stroll. It sounded suspicious no doubt. When she had given him a questioning gaze, he had merely stated that he wished to show her something spectacular. That answer didn't aid her nerves in the slightest.

To ensure that she lived to see another day, she would do her best to win this battle between the two of them. Neither of them had caught anything yet, though. The fight of patience nearly got to her on several instances, and she almost stormed off in frustration. Her life was on the line, but the fish refused to come.

A pout remained on her face until something tugged on the pole. Excitement raced through her veins and to her eyes. (F/n) jumped to her feet and positioned herself for the catch. While she paid attention to her own soon to be catch, a fish bit at Will's hook. Within moments of each other, they both caught one. Her joy dissipated to learn that it was still a tie.

They both unhooked the fish and dropped them in the bucket before they grabbed more bait for themselves. As they looked back to the water, the fierce fight continued. Waiting for the next fish, she could picture that familiar gleam in Will's eyes when they had placed the bets. He had something horrid planned for her, and it wasn't just the fact that he might be able to put her in more revealing attire.

The day wore on, and only one more fish had been caught. Unluckily for her, it was Will who caught it. Thankfully, the wind had settled down, but large storm clouds were forming overhead. If Will were to win, she doubted that he would postpone his winnings for rain.

Thunder sounded, but she remained seated on the rocks. A storm wouldn't stop her either. (F/n) bit the left side of her bottom lip in frustration and concentration. Her hardened gaze probably wouldn't tempt fish to come closer. If anything, it might scare them away, but she didn't desire to lose. This was far too important for that.

With his hair untied, it hid the side view of his face. Will couldn't keep a grin off his lips. If her luck remained the way it currently was, he would win. He would finally be able to get her in a full outfit that he fancied, and he had the perfect one in mind. She would look splendid in it, though; he would have to provide her with a blanket on their trip into the mountains some.

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