Sorrow of Tails

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

The splashes grew louder as the newcomers neared. Tarhuinn and (f/n) remained where they were. Both made sure that none of them was peeking out from behind the rock. This extra precaution was probably unnecessary since the unknown individuals wouldn't have been able to see them unless they traveled down the left path some. Hopefully, they had had no intention of coming down that way. If the left path was their objective, both of them would have to face an encounter.

When the splashes seemed to reach their loudest, both hiders tensed. Her grip somehow tightened more on his shirt while his hands gripped her upper arms. Tarhuinn's hold lessened, however, due to her wincing from the bruises there.

Both continued to listen intently. To their relief, the splashes began to grow quieter. Even when they grew faint, the two of them remained as still as possible. It wasn't until the splashes could no longer be heard that they both relaxed a little bit. Before they could take in a moment of peace, (f/n) jumped. A splash sounded behind them. The noise was much louder than the footsteps and signaled that something larger than feet was behind them.

Quickly, she turned around, but she was soon pulled back. Tarhuinn swiftly moved her behind him, but she was able to peek around him. Before them was a good sized pool. Ripples glided across the shadowy water and towards them. Stepping back a little, Tarhuinn kept his feet as near to the edge of the pool as possible. (F/n) ended up pressed tightly between the rock and him.

More of the rocks were towards the opposite side of the pool, and there seemed to be a gap behind them, but they mainly blocked off whatever was back there. A couple of laughs sounded from behind those rocks, and they were quite melodic. They weren't nearly as enchanting as Tarhuinn's voice, but she supposed that if she had never met her husband, then those voices would be the most beautiful in the world.

As the laughs and possibly whispers continued, Tarhuinn started to move back towards the path which they had come from. Evident apprehension was written across his countenance while his eyes never left the spot from where the ripples had originated. His feet made light splashes in the water as hers went onto solid ground. She walked quietly beside him as she noted that the noises continued. The source of those sounds was most likely the creatures that the pixies had warned of.

They reached the curves of the stream again, but their sense of unease grew. The sounds of laughter and quiet chattering had grown nonexistent. Their own breathing was the loudest noise in the vicinity. Tarhuinn rested a hand on her back and ushered her forward. She took hers steps, but his hand vanished from her. Instantly, a yell and splash met her ears.

Rapidly, she turned on her heel and couldn't see Tarhuinn. Ripples traveled across the water, colliding with each other. The water's surface was chaotic. Alarm rising, she glanced over the water and hoped that he would come back up. When he didn't, she tossed her pack far from the water and took out the dagger in her boot. She hurriedly took off her boots and cloak before she held the dagger in a reverse grip.

Taking a deep breath, she charged towards the deeper water and dived in. Illumination under the surface was poor, and the cloud cover wasn't aiding in the slightest. She did manage to spot Tarhuinn being dragged deeper. Hands, the same color as him, tugged at his arms and feet. Some undid the dagger belt around his hips and tossed it aside while others removed his cloak and pack. There had to be ten of the creatures around him, and she could only see him through small gaps.

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