Careful Steps

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Almost as soon as he closed the door, Alpontus reopened it. Grin painting his lips, he announced, "It would seem that his wife has already made it through my room and past Icniss's minion."

Shock and anger covered Icniss's countenance as he burst out, "What?! That's impossible!" To prove his statement further, the head author stepped aside and revealed the tied up fish on his bed. About a dozen curses left the mage's lips. "Where is she, then?!"

Amtoma was more enraged than the mage. Walking over to the younger kelremm, she lifted her hand, but Rocean held her back. "Byda, calm yourself. I do like this side of you, but this information merely means that she'll be coming for her husband. If even one of us stays with him, we'll have her." For once, she didn't retort. Rather, she wrenched her wrist from him and glanced over to Alpontus.

"He's right. We have nothing to worry about. She may have done the impossible so far, but she was dealing with mere spies. We now know that she can handle several of them on her own. I'm not sure how, but all we need to do is give her tougher opponents. We'll be those, and we know that she'll probably try to sneak up on us. If we take that advantage away from her, she'll not win against us," the head author spoke, his indigo eyes scanning over the area.

(F/n) hid herself fully behind the one wall. She calmed herself as best as she could, but he was correct. The authors were no simple kelremm. They had countless years of fighting experience, and Tarhuinn could barely handle Alpontus in one-on-one combat, but her husband's rage might change that as the previous display had demonstrated.

"For now, let us keep to our plan. We have no need to find her; she'll show herself soon enough." Alpontus turned and headed into his room again. The sound of the door closing hit her ears, and she heard splashes of water. Tarhuinn would soon be under even worse conditions, but if he woke up in that state, he could possibly escape on his own. (F/n) wished for that to be the case, but she herself had been frightened by his demonstration.

In that moment, he had looked nothing but a deadly killer. Chills had run up her whole body at the sight. She had to remind herself that he was still her husband and that his particular state then had been caused by Alpontus's statement. He was merely trying to protect her from that awful fate. Just recalling what Alpontus had declared made her sick. Her hands covered her midsection, and she brought her knees to her chest. "I'm not going to let that happen," she mumbled before she bit her bottom lip to calm her growing nerves.

Carefully, she peeked around the corner. Tarhuinn was still unconscious on the ground while Amtoma was sitting at the table. Icniss was gone, and she had noted hearing a few other doors opening and closing a few moments ago. Rocean was lacking from the room as well, but he soon returned with bandages. Amtoma snatched them from him and went about tending to her wound. He seemed to have no problem with her nonexistent gratitude. Rather, he waited for her to finish before he took the leftovers and headed back into his own room.

Glancing towards Tarhuinn, Amtoma stood up and walked over to him. She kicked him in the side to test his unconscious state. When she was satisfied, she grabbed his hair and began to drag him off. That was enough to spring (f/n) into action. (F/n) quietly headed back down the stairs, for she couldn't go back the way that they came into the main room. The water passage would be too much of a risk for her.

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