Nearer to the Edge

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Despite now having two of the authors presumably preoccupied, (f/n) wondered why Tarhuinn hadn't taken them out. Sure, the window didn't allow the best of throwing angles, or at least she didn't think that it did, but, knowing him, he could've made both shots. "Is something wrong?" she asked, though; her eyes never left from the authors' room below them.

"Yes, that room is just too well guarded. We may be hidden now, but if I had attacked either of those two, several spies would have seen, and Alpontus would've been alerted. Not to mention that we know nothing about their fighting abilities. They've possibly lived for centuries, so their experience in combat might be well above mine."

"Are you saying that you don't think we have a chance at all at beating them?" she questioned, her voice displaying evident distress.

"No, but we should take out those spies first. There's no way to get around them. With two of the three authors busy, we can go after Alpontus next. They shouldn't even notice judging by how their conversation just went, but we have no idea what Alpontus is doing right now. If we open his room door and he's staring right at us, we might have some trouble."

"I still don't see these spies that you're referring to. Where are they?"

Carefully, he moved her to stand in front of him. His right hand rested on her right shoulder while his left index finger pointed out towards the ceiling of the space. Even though the windows in ceiling illuminated the area well, she could still barely spot the four spies. There were tiny spaces in the stone close to the ceiling, and these spaces were designed to merely look like a decorative wall pattern. Within four of them, though, were the spies.

The shadows of the spaces concealed them nearly to perfection, and if Tarhuinn had never pointed them out to her, she would've never noticed. It was relief that he had such stellar eyesight. "How do you plan to take them out? Is there anything that you would like me to do?"

"I want you to stay close for now. From here, I can't hit them. This room is much to low from their location. We need to get to higher ground. To our right, there is a path. It might lead upwards towards them. We'll take that slowly, and when we reach them, be ready for a fight. We don't need another situation like the one in the water, but you still did well."

A small smile did grace her lips at the compliment, but she pouted in a playful way afterwards. She crossed her arms over her chest and met his gaze. "May I suggest that you don't run off with my only weapon next time, though?"

Realizing what he had accidentally done, he looked like he might fall over and faint. If they weren't in such a hostile environment, she might've started to laugh. It was truly a hilarious expression that befell his countenance. To correct his past mistake, he reached into his pack and removed her dagger from her boot.

Holding it out to her, he apologized. "I could've gotten you killed by my foolishness. I'm so sorry, (f/n)." She smiled just a bit more and shook her head before she signaled to the blades around her waist.

"You were thinking about taking out the spies in this area quickly. You didn't desire for them to sound an alarm, which would've ended badly for both of us. Your actions were probably the best to take given our situation at the time. Besides, we both had forgotten about my dagger. If it was anyone's fault, it was both of ours. For now, let's keep that blade hidden." She received a nod from him before he put it away once more.

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