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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Face snuggled into a pillow; (f/n) wrapped her arms around the soft, delightful object as she continued to enjoy her sleep. Her fingers and arms twitched a little at the odd sensation, though. Something was off with her cushiony item. Eyes closed tighter while her body tried to comprehend this. She brought it closer to her only to receive an alarming, "Squawk!"

Jumping up in bed, she threw the thing away from her since she hadn't processed what she had been holding onto. The chicken flapped its wings before it collided with Tarhuinn, who had awoken at the sound. Instantly, he grabbed the bird and held onto it tightly until it calmed down. He blew a few feathers from his face before he looked around the area.

(F/n) knew exactly who he was looking for. The little three-year-old was hiding somewhere in the vicinity. Another squawk, quieter than the last, came from the chicken. A groan sounded from her husband before he stood to his feet. He glanced over to her, and she nodded. "I'll find her," (f/n) answered before he left to place the traumatized chicken back in its pen.

Despite kelremm children maturing mentally at a rather quick rate, her child never grew out of pranks. Her daughter would spend hours reading, or she would ask for another story from either Tarhuinn or her, and she would act like a young adult at those times. Ten minutes later, she would be running around the house and plotting her next scheme.

Pushing back some strands of (h/c) hair, (f/n) climbed out of bed and onto the dry area of the room before she headed into the small, water room that they had made for their daughter. It had taken a year and quite a bit of trading, but the end result gave their daughter her own space and privacy for Tarhuinn and her. She crossed her arms over her chest and examined the places that she could be hiding in, behind or under. Mentally, she smiled upon seeing locks of ink-black hair in the water behind the child's bed.

As silently as she could, she advanced through the water. She heard slight movement behind the bed. (F/n) shook her head a little when she noted her daughter trying to sneak around the object and back out the door. "And, where do you think you're going?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. The girl froze and glanced up at her mother before her dark blue eyes darted to the door.

Knowing exactly what her daughter intended to do, (f/n) sprinted into action before the girl could take off. She grabbed the back of her daughter's blue dress and lifted her up. "Set me down, mother! The chicken got out of the pen on its own. I swear!"

Skeptically, she looked to her child. "Do you swear on your silver headband?" No answer came from the young girl as she looked to her left and mumbled something under her breath. The headband didn't look like too important of an object, but, to her daughter, it was her favorite possession. The young girl hated having her hair fall over her face while reading or doing anything really. So, she kept her hair just below her ears and wore the headband as extra precaution. "I'm sorry; I couldn't quite hear that, Delphi."

She pouted and somewhat glared at her mother. "No." Keeping her child's stare, (f/n) gave her the look to continue. "... But, it was just a prank!" Her serious expression faded, and worry set in. "Besides, you liked cuddling with the chicken!"

"I'm waiting, Delphi."

"But, you didn't deny it!"

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now