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A/N: As usual, I would recommend to put the video on loop.


Back on foot, Tarhuinn tied the boat to one of the nearby posts before he began to walk beside her in a stream of water. The torchlight illuminated the continuing abundance of stalagmites and stalactites while torches on some of the rock formations lit the room up more. These sources of light continued far down the area, which meant that they wouldn't have to travel in darkness again at the moment. "Who lights all of these torches?" (f/n) asked, hopping over a small stream of water.

"Someone from the next complex is sent down here to relight them every other day."

"And, these torches continue until we arrive there, correct?"

"No, after another hour, we'll be using natural light to guide us through the cave."

Despite not having the comforting light of the torches, she was thankful that they would at least have some light. Hopefully, it would be enough so that she wouldn't have to rely on Tarhuinn's eyes again. She liked being able to see around her and know if something was about to sneak up on them. (F/n) jumped over the next small stream and looked at the path out ahead. Unfortunately, she would have a lot of streams to avoid.

On their way through the cave system, Tarhuinn had offered to carry her on several occasions, but she denied all of them. She had merely answered that she wanted to travel on her own feet and that she should get used to long distance exercise. A frown had graced his lips, but he hadn't argued her on the topic.

By the time that they reached the end of the torches, though, she was exhausted. She rested her hands on her knees and looked out ahead. There were three openings in the cave wall to their left. Water gushed out, and she could hear the falls of water. If they were to continue directly forward, though, they would run into a dead end. Looking to their right, she saw the cave path continue that way. The natural light continued on for some ways down the massive tunnel.

Refreshed, just by glancing at the water, she looked forward to taking a bath later. Right now, however, they had quite a bit of time ahead of them before night rolled around. Judging by the light's color, it had to be early in the afternoon. Then again, it might be a little misleading since there were probably clouds outside.

Whatever the case, the two of them started to head down the path again. (F/n) pushed herself to keep going even though she was tempted to take up Tarhuinn's offer of carrying her. She could tell that he was casting a glance her way every now and then, but she didn't meet it. If she did, he would probably convince her to let him carry her.

As their travel continued, they snacked on some of the dried foods. She favored the dried apple chips, but she forced herself to stop eating them lest she eat all of them in one go. It wasn't until the light in the area turned duller and only small beams of moonlight reached them that they stopped. (F/n) collapsed to the ground, glad to be done for the day. Her hands went to her legs and soothed the sore muscles.

Tarhuinn set down his pack, and she took off hers before her hands continued to comfort her legs. The idea of jumping into the cool looking water, though, sounded more relaxing. "Do you mind if I take a bath first?" She was also eager to take off her boots since her feet were desperate for a breather.

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now