Second Arrival

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


Entering the second complex, it was much like the one where Tarhuinn and she lived. The market place, however, was somewhat different. Instead of tents and blankets, there were stone stands built around the area. Pools of water rested behind each stand, and the typical stone path and water paths were present.

Her cloak's hood was up again, and Tarhuinn's left hand was intertwined with her right. Like before, he kept her close, and she was forced to keep her gaze downcast. After they were done with their journey, she would be thankful that she would no longer have to wear a hood over her head in public. Or at least, she assumed that would be the case.

Reaching one of the fish traders, Tarhuinn rested one of the fish on the stone counter. (F/n) caught a surprised look on the trader's face. He reached his hands out to the fish and picked it up to examine it. "You caught one of the escaped gnashers. We tried to get them all back, but some got out into the water system. You have my thanks. In repayment for this, I'll give you an extra one of whatever you want. Of course, you can hold onto your other two gnashers; you caught them after all."

"That's very kind of you. We actually wished to know why those were in the water. The tenlites had been pushed further away from here because of them, but we now know the reason. Regardless, some dried fish would be welcome," Tarhuinn responded, holding onto the other two.

After the trader gave Tarhuinn the wrapped up dried fish, he placed them in his pack and thanked the trader again before heading off with her. "We solved that mystery quite fast," she remarked quietly.

"Yes, I'm sure that you're just happy that we don't have to stop our journey."

She gave a small nod, and she was also glad that she wouldn't have to fight him off to continue. Even if she had somehow managed to get out of his grasp, she understood that he would come after her, and she probably wouldn't make it far. All the water that was around only gave him the upper hand. Luckily, she wouldn't have to worry about that now.

The two of them now went around and traded the other two gnashers for dried goods. They also bought a few fresh goods to eat that day. Sitting by the edge of the market, she draped her feet over the edge of a small cliff. Water flowed over the edge from the water path and into the large pool of water below. Thankfully, their path ahead didn't require them to cross the pool on a boat.

Nibbling on her piece of freshly baked sweet bread, she glanced over to the narrow stone and water path that went along the edge of the water. From her current view, it looked stable enough, but it sloped upwards. As for illumination, there were a few torches lighting the path, but she couldn't see beyond that. She hoped that more light would be provided along the way. Otherwise, she would be holding onto Tarhuinn for dear life.

"Is it about the same distance to the next compound?" she questioned after swallowing a bite.

"It's going to be a little longer to the next one. The distance is the same, but most of the walk there is uphill. The third complex is apparently at one of the highest points of these mountains. Right now, we're more towards the base. That's why there are so many torches down here. Kelremm don't want to put windows down this low because unwanted visitors may decide to come in."

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