Execution's Break

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


As red spread out further, (f/n) froze for a split moment. She regained her focus and snapped the lock on the chains with the pliers. Tossing them aside, she hurried over to his side. Heart beating fast, she worried that he had been the injured one. There was enough blood for the attack to be fatal.

About to lift him up, he started to rise on his own. A wave of relief washed over her. She grabbed his right upper arm and helped to bring him back to his feet. As she did so, she noted the widened, ocean-blue eyes of Amtoma. Teeth marks cut deep into the left side of her neck, and the life was gone from her. They had successfully killed one of the authors.

Pride washed through her, but it was short-lived. Tarhuinn locked his gaze with hers, and his eyes continued to display dark-blue voids. He stood to his full height, and she almost took a step back, but she forced herself to keep her ground. She reminded herself that he wouldn't hurt her. Gently, she raised her hands and rested them on his cheeks. "I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you sooner," she spoke softly as her eyes glanced over his various wounds momentarily.

His hands covered hers, and he leaned into her left one. Tarhuinn's gaze began to return to its normal state while his lips took on a caring smile. "You have nothing to be sorry about. You did splendidly, and I have you back with me. That's what matters." He moved his head away but kept his hold on her hands while he looked her over. "Where did you get those clothes, though?"

"I think that's the least of our concerns, but I stole them from Alpontus. I was cold and wet; these were dry. I'll get some better clothes when we have the chance."

"Yes, you will. Those clothes aren't fitting for you, but you're right. We have the other authors to worry about." He dropped her hands and lifted Amtoma up. Tarhuinn tied her wrists to the chains and hoisted her up high into the room. After he secured the chain roller, he headed over to the tools' table. "We'll leave her there until we kill the others. We'll come back and retrieve her afterwards."

Picking up some knives and one of the belts, he started to secure the items to his person. "Tarhuinn, I know that we can't sit around forever, but shouldn't you let your wounds heal for just a little bit longer? Some of those aren't small cuts. Alpontus mentioned that you wouldn't be tortured until they were healed, so we should have some time to wait in here."

"Then, you heard what he plans to do to you if he captures you? You were there for all of it?"

"Y-yes," she stuttered, hearing the slight growl in his voice. She wouldn't change her mind on the suggestion, though. "But, that's why we should stay in here for a little while. You need to heal, and I can't take them all on my own. I somehow made it here on my own, but I was lucky. I don't know how far that luck will extend out. I'd rather not test it anymore than I have to."

He gave the belt a tug, and it was fastened. Facing her, he leaned back against the table. His hands squeezed the tabletop, and she could hear the stone crack some. "As much as I wish to break them all now, you're right. If I receive too many more wounds like this, I'll not survive, and I can't have them taking you." More stone broke, and small pieces fell off into the water. "Just the thought of that author ..." No more words came out, but rage dominated his expression.

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