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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


A couple of days had faded away since they had left that spot under the pine tree. Tarhuinn and (f/n) had traveled up the right stream, but they had walked slower on the second than the first day. The uphill climb had only grown steeper, and it had reminded her of the walkway back on their way to the third complex. At least, there hadn't been a ledge for them to fall off of.

When they had reached the end of the path, a large lake was before them just as the pixie queen had mentioned. Around the edge, there was a narrow path that led around the entirety of it. Up above the path, rocks jutted out of the mountain, and small streams of water trickled downwards. Some of the rocks could easily cut into one's skin if they weren't careful, but if they climbed up a little, they could use them to hide behind. That would allow them to listen in on any individuals passing to and from the authors' home.

The problem would be getting from behind their current cover of pines to behind some of the rocks. It wouldn't be a surprise if some of the authors' spies were waiting for an intruder(s) to step out into the open. Tarhuinn, though, was already analyzing the area for any sign of someone else taking cover. He did have his daggers, and she had seen him throw them before. There was the possibility that he would be able to kill any hostile kelremm without them even seeing the two of them.

"Do you see anyone?" she whispered, her eyes still on the lake.

"No, I haven't spotted any movement out there, but I don't think that we should head out there yet. We may want to remain here for the time being and wait for someone to exit their hiding grounds or switch watches."

"Won't someone find us, then? You have to stay in the stream, and we're only covered right now because of the pine branches creating a decent wall in front of us. We need to find a better place to hide."

"I agree, (f/n), but I can't think of any. Walking out there isn't an option. If there are spies, we'll be attacked within moments, and everyone inside of the authors' home will be alerted."

"I understand that," she responded quietly, scanning over their surroundings now. To both her right and left, she noted that she could spot the mountain walls. There weren't too many pine branches that she would have to push out of the way to get to either, which meant that her movement wouldn't create too much noise.

Hugging her cloak tighter around her, she pointed to her left. "Let me head over to the wall there. I'll try to climb it. If I can, I'll look out for spies and see if there is water up there. If there is, you should be able to make it in time and meet me up there. It's our only decent option right now."

Hesitation was clear on his countenance, but she could tell that he was near to complying. Crossing his arms over his chest, his gaze hardened. "You have the dagger that I gave you. I expect you to utilize it the moment that you see another kelremm. I don't care if they try to persuade you that they're not going to hurt you. I want you to give them no opportunity to talk. Strike and move along. Do you understand?"

"Yes," she simply answered. "I'll be careful, and you'll see me again soon enough."

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now