Screeching Halt

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


As they traveled to the cabin by the lake, (f/n) wished that she had kept her cloak and had asked the pixies to bring it back to their home before they left her on her own. At the time, though, she had been more focused on making a convincing story for this mage. Keeping her hands under her armpits, she tried to keep herself as warm as possible, but it didn't help that the sun was now blocked completely by storm clouds. To make matters worse, the smell of rain was becoming rather strong. Any moment, it would probably pour on them.

Her eyes pinned themselves to the pixies' wings. How she would give to have wings. Then, she could travel to Tergii's and Bimaa's home(s) without all this trouble. Unluckily for her, she wasn't born into the graceful and delicate, yet deadly fae race. So, she was reminded of the aching pain in her worn out legs. It had to be at least noon or later, but the cabin still couldn't be seen. Granted, it was near the lake. Realistically, they probably wouldn't reach the area until dusk.

Thankfully, she had brought some of the dried food with her. It was just enough for one meal that day as she had left her pack behind as well since it wouldn't have served her well to be carrying a fully supplied pack into the mage's home. If the mage were to see that, her story would most likely be thrown to the wind. In order to best avoid any unwanted interactions between the two of them, she couldn't let a piece in her story be questionable.

Plodding through the thick snow, she kept her gaze forward on the pixies. Around her was nothing of interest. There was the occasional sound of an animal, which would cause her gaze to turn in that direction, but it would always go out of sight before she could examine what it had been. For all she knew, it could be some strange creature like the haasna.

Since her surroundings gave her little distraction from the nipping cold, her mind turned to thoughts of the male kelremm back with the pixie royals. Come mid-afternoon, he would be up and most likely furious. In some respects, she was glad that she wouldn't have to face him then and there. She stood by her decision, but convincing him of it was another story.

Were she to be there when Tarhuinn awoke, he would most likely use the nickname on her until she wouldn't be able to walk for days and/or speak any other word but to agree with him. She hoped that he wouldn't act out and try to murder a pixie on site, but she understood that such a hope would probably fall flat the moment that he awoke.

A heavy sigh exited from her parted lips. Right now, she would be able to avoid his wrath, but she still had to return to the snow pixie royals. There was also the fact that this supposed mage would be in tow if he really was a mage. She would be lucky if Tarhuinn didn't try to rip him to pieces on site. If things didn't go as she planned them and she had to give more than she was comfortable with, there would be no possible way to persuade her husband to return to his senses. In reality, he would have to be left behind; she would have to entrust him to the pixies until she returned back from the journey. That brought up another issue. Would the pixies even agree to watch over him if things took that route?

Hands moving out from their warm shelter, she combed them through her locks. A frown plastered itself on her lips. (F/n) wished to scream out her frustrations and kick the snow up into the air. Why did desiring more years on her life come at such risk? She wasn't asking for immortality; she just wanted to live longer. Even if it was by a couple of years, that would be satisfactory. It wasn't only that but also she would get to spend more time with her child that she had promised Tarhuinn. The child wouldn't be left alone at the age of two.

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