Future Circumstance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Underneath one of the larger pine trees, any snow there was cleared away. The bed of twigs and needles was still wet but not to the point where they would be soaked from sitting upon it. (F/n) stayed there with the cloak wrapped tightly around her form. Her eyes were averted from Tarhuinn, given his current dress state, as he went out and retrieved their drying items.

He swiftly returned and placed the items underneath the tree before he took a seat beside her. She wished that she could tolerate the cold like Tarhuinn could. It would make their traveling so much easier. If she were a kelremm, though, she wouldn't probably have ever married him or have had any of their other interactions. With that in mind, it made her sensitivity to the chilly air more bearable.

Their clothes were still drying, however, and she desperately wished to wrap herself in his cloak. Unfortunately, that was the item that would most likely take the longest to dry off completely. Noting her staring at the article of clothing, Tarhuinn moved her over to him. He spread his legs apart and seated her between them. His arms wrapped around her waist as a light does of heat dusted across her cheeks.

Head lying against his chest, some of his long, ink-black locks fell over her form. Her fingers reached over and twirled around some of the soft strands. They glided over her fingers like the water from a gentle waterfall. She almost got lost in them due to the soothing action, but something that Cetar had mentioned disturbed her peaceful state. "Can we really fight off the five authors, their mage and their spies?"

The smell of rain grew stronger, and the first drops began to descend from the sky. "We'll be able to," Tarhuinn answered, his grip tightening by a little bit. "We fight or we die. Those are our two options, and I refuse to have you be killed by any of them."

A small smile rested on her lips. "You always refuse to let anyone kill me," she chuckled out softly. She moved her feet closer to her as a few drops of rain hit her skin. "I'm glad, though. That declaration of yours has worked so far. I don't think that I could ask for a better protector."

"And, I the same," he responded, placing a gentle kiss on her right cheek. His lips lingered there. "You've been keeping a watch on me ever since we left our home." Left hand going over to his daggers, he picked up the one that wasn't sheathed. He held it before her and twirled it between his fingers. "You even drew a blade on a mermaid to protect me." The dagger was placed in her left hand. "You've truly earned this."

His hand clasped hers. They both held the blade as he lifted their hands to her chest. "For the rest of our lives, we'll protect the other. When we enter the authors' home, we'll be swift and we'll come out alive." Hand moving from hers, he wrapped his left arm back around her waist. "I'll show them no mercy. Like that mage, I'll deal the proper punishment for them trying to kill you. They've tried to take you from me through their connections. In return for their gesture, I'll take away their lives from them. Their bodies will be left for the merfolk but not after ..."

Setting the blade aside, she turned around in his hold. She sat on her knees. Her hands rested on the sides of his face. (F/n) shook her head. "Don't lose yourself, Tarhuinn. Not right now, save that hate for when we encounter them. Don't let it control you but guide it so that our trip to their home is truly quick." A few drops of rain managed to fall upon each of them. "If we're lucky, we'll be able to sneak through their home and take them by surprise one by one."

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