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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Waking up, (f/n) groaned a bit in her sleep and was already able to feel the soreness in her legs. It didn't help that they had slept on stone. There was a cloak there, but it didn't add too much comfort. Admittedly, the only real comfort that she had was from Tarhuinn, who was providing her much needed warmth. Maybe, they could find something in the short distance from the cave room to the third complex and trade it for some warmer clothes.

Her cold body only pressed more against him, and her tired mind didn't consider how embarrassing it was at the moment. It wasn't until she opened her eyes and noted how close her face was to his bare chest. Heat invaded her cheeks. She glanced up to his face, seeing that his eyes were still closed. His breathing seemed steady as well.

Looking forward again, the heat remained in her cheeks, but she didn't look away. He was asleep, so she could admire his well toned chest without his knowledge. Besides, he was her husband, so it wasn't like she was being weird in doing so. Gently, she ran her right fingers down his chest and occasionally peered up to see if he had awoken. Since he hadn't, she continued and stopped right above his naval. She went to draw her hand back up, but a hand caught her wrist.

Hesitantly, she glanced towards his face and noticed that his eyes were still closed. An amused smirk painted his lips as he brought her hand up towards them. He placed a light kiss on the back of her hand. "If you wished to feel my chest, (f/n), all you had to do was ask. I do enjoy the feeling of your delicate fingers running across my skin. We're in an unfair predicament, though."

Before she could respond, he opened his eyes and abruptly sat up while placing his hands on her hips. She cried out, startled, and discovered herself to be on his lap. The cloak fell down around them. Instantly, she tried to get it back, but Tarhuinn wrapped his right arm around her waist and held her to him. His left hand went under the fabric of her undershirt as it began to travel slowly upwards.

A chill ran up her spine while her cheeks felt like they were on fire. "Tar-tarhuinn, what a-are you d-doing?" she stuttered, pushing her hands against his chest.

"Giving my wife my affection, is that so wrong of me?" he remarked, leaning his face closer to hers.

She was about to argue back, but her words were cut off. Lips rested against her own. Her eyes widened for a moment as he tilted his head a little to deepen the kiss. His hand pressed more into her bare back, and she had to reach up to grab the front of her shirt since it was riding up some. Soon, though, she gave into the kiss.

One hand stayed on her shirt while the other rested against his chest. His lips slowly trailed away and down towards the right side of her neck. He placed feather-light kisses down her exposed skin. Hitting her soft spot, she unintentionally let out a soft moan. Tarhuinn paused for a moment before bringing his lips to the area again.

Biting and sucking at the area lightly, he took his time in leaving a mark there. This earned a series of light moans from his partner, who leaned her head on his right shoulder and rested her hands on his upper arms. Her shirt had ridden up a little more than expected, but she barely noticed due to her mind going into almost a daze.

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