Upstream Quiet

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

Upon completing her bath and washing her other undergarments, (f/n) grabbed half of her outfit. Tarhuinn kept his promise and faced the other way the entire time. If it had been Will, he would've probably peeked within a moment's notice.

She slipped into her lower undergarment along with her pair of pants. (F/n) rolled up the pants to her upper thighs so that the salve could still be applied on her legs. Personally, she wanted to apply the ointment herself, but she had already agreed to allow him to apply it. Frankly, she didn't want him to explode on her and state that she was breaking another promise.

There were bruises, though, along all of her back and parts of her midsection. She could cover herself with her undershirt, but it would easily get in the way of application. It wouldn't be to the point where the balm would suddenly become ineffective, but it posed another problem. Tarhuinn had told her that he wouldn't look at her. By adding a hindrance to the conditions, it would display that she still didn't entirely trust his word.

After what had happened at the pixie home, she wished to show no more signs of distrust. It wouldn't exactly be easy given how his emotions seemed to overtake him from time to time, but she had to make an attempt at it. He deserved at least that much, especially since he trusted her enough to take her on this so far dangerous journey.

Keeping her back faced to him, she covered her chest with her arms. Quietly and reluctantly, she voiced, "Okay, I'm ready." When he came over, he started with her back and rubbed the soothing gel into her skin. Thankfully, she was already shivering somewhat from the cold. Otherwise, the shiver from his hand upon her bare back would've been rather noticeable.

Occasionally, she would wince a little. He apparently noticed as his touch became gentler even though he was being already quite careful with her. This didn't help the warmth that stuck to her cheeks. The heat in her cheeks did aid with the surrounding cold, but her attention was becoming more and more focused on his hands moving delicately across her skin. They worked as though they were carving a fragile creation; one wrong move and it would deliver ruin.

Her body tensed, however, when his hands trailed from her back to her midsection. She pressed her arms more against her chest as the heat in her cheeks intensified. He didn't make her face him. Instead, he glided his fingers over that area of skin, giving it the same treatment as her back. The sensitivity there did cause her to let out a soft giggle every now and then, which didn't go unnoticed.

Tarhuinn didn't exploit such vulnerability, but she had a feeling that he might in the future. The way that he would pause and laugh quietly pointed to that possibility. Despite her slightly ticklish nature, she found herself leaning back against him. His actions were soothing, and his laugh sounded like pleasant rain drops on a warm summer's day. Her body practically desired to collapse against his.

His hands left her midsection, much to her displeasure and relief at the same time. Had he continued, she might have transformed into a puddle, yet she wouldn't have entirely minded. He moved around her before he grabbed her undershirt and returned to her. Grabbing her arms, he promised that he wouldn't look, and she gave him her trust once more.

Lifting them upwards, he slid the shirt onto her form and pulled it down. He motioned for her to sit down on one of the larger rocks so that he could tend to her arms and legs. Once seated, he went to work again. The bruises on those areas were fewer and smaller. It took him less time to treat them, but he spent equal amount of care on them. Her whole body felt relaxed by the end of it despite the bruises that were still upon her skin.

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