Coming to Council

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

If the merman's words were meant to be comforting, they were anything but. She knew very well what she would have and wouldn't have if she hadn't stared out at the ruins and caught Tarhuinn's attention. His words only caused dislike for him to form. He was being nice enough to bring her to her husband, and she was grateful for that, but his unexplainable hatred for him was beginning to irk her.

They had never encountered the merfolk before today, and they wouldn't have if it weren't for probably the authors and mage coming down early. Truthfully, they most likely would've still been teasing each other or maybe even sleeping. What else was frustrating was that she had no concept of time in the water filled caves.

Her attention looked to her right, however, as four more mermaids were surfacing. The merman lowered his hand and nodded his head to the four. Both of the merfolk that guided her to the space as well did the same. (F/n) gave no sign of respect since the merfolk hardly deserved it. She wouldn't dip her head towards the ones that were going to possibly send Tarhuinn to his death.

"We didn't expect to find the human so near to the kelremm's location. Why is she here?" asked one of the mermaids of the group.

"She wished to see her husband, and I agreed to bring her to him. I believe that it's only fair given that he'll most likely die."

The four glanced over to the merman beside her. "We may come to the conclusion that he'll be spared. It depends on what he tells us," the second mermaid responded. Her gaze moved to (f/n), and she swam close. (F/n) backed away in the water but not too far, for the merman placed his hand behind her back and kept her nearby. "You've been shedding quite a number of tears, human. That's expected, though. You look like you may crumble and melt away into the water."

(F/n) was tempted to reply with a rude remark, but her gaze focused on the mermaid's approaching hands. She tried to lean back. Unfortunately, the merman continued to keep her in place. Her fingers glided up gently along her cheeks before her thumbs wiped away any tears there. "You really would be lost without him, wouldn't you? Such a strong devotion that you have for him. It makes me a little envious of you. I find that I can feel no such emotion. It's as though I try, but I only find myself in a void."

Frankly, (f/n) didn't wish to listen to what emotions the mermaid experienced and didn't experience. She desired to push her away. As if someone actually cared about her discomfort, one of the mermen cut in. "Aqua, you can discuss your own emotions later with the girl. We have business with the kelremm that needs tending to."

"Be patient, Cetar. I wish to ask her some questions first. Not only her husband will have words about their reason for being in our territory. She knows it as well, and two perspectives are better than one. Or, are you still angered by the fact that the kelremm caught us off guard with that call of his?"

An annoyed grunt left his lips. "Fine, do what you want but make it quick. If we intend to have the kelremm tortured, I'd rather start sooner than later. I think that Piscina and Lacus would agree with me."

"Whether we torture, kill or free him, I have no care whether that's today, tomorrow or a week from now," who she assumed to be Piscina spoke. She took her hair out of her braided bun and started to create a new one on her head. "And, frankly, this is about the most excitement that any of us have had for quite some time. You should enjoy it more. Or, are you worried that the kelremm will find a way out before we can decree his fate?"

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