A Walk in the Water

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


With breakfast finished, Tarhuinn led her out of the room and guided her to the washroom for her clothes. She had merely set them in the space while he set his in another pile. He mentioned that they would get to them later in the day. Afterwards, he guided her to the kitchen where they both washed their dishes. Like the washroom, it looked pretty similar to her past home's kitchen. Granted, throughout all of the rooms were water paths for Tarhuinn while there were ground paths for her.

This was another peculiar detail about the house. The two different paths made it seem like it was common for a human to be with his kind. She didn't ask him if this was the case, but she would store the curiosity away. "So, where to next?" she questioned after the dishes were cleaned, dry and put away.

"I'll take you to the farming area, and you can see what a grapefruit is," he mentioned, chuckling towards the end.

She pouted some and crossed her arms over her. "No need to make fun of me for it," she mumbled, following him out of the room and down the hallway again.

"I wasn't making fun. I thought that your reaction was cute."

A light dash of heat invaded her cheeks, but she was just happy that she didn't have to make eye contact with him. So, she could stick out her tongue without him noticing. She giggled quietly to herself when she completed the action successfully.

Soon, they reached an archway, and she walked past him and peeked into the area beyond. The room was huge. It was about half the size of her small village. She whistled some, noting that not only were there various plants but also there were chickens, a rooster, rabbits and goats. "How do you manage to take care of all of this?" she asked in wonder, going over to the rabbit pen and crouching down to pet a short-haired grey one.

"Before I took my bath this morning, I had woken up a few hours before and came to tend to all of this. It's quite easy when you've been working this for most of your life. Of course, the first couple of years weren't easy. That's to be expected, however, when you're only two."

Her hand froze as she glanced over to him in shock. "You were only two when you were handed all of this?! What kind of two year old were you?!"

Laughing some, he walked over to her and took a seat beside her. He picked up the bunny that she had been petting and set it on his lap. While he petted its ears, he explained, "For my kind, we mature very quickly. After a few months, we're able to speak. At the age of one, we're already helping our parents with chores around the house. When we're one and a half, we are taught reading and writing. Once at two, we take care of everything in the household."

Mouth agape, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She couldn't even really remember what she did as a two year old, yet here he was running a miniature farm. "I j-just don't k-know what to s-say. I'm impressed," she spoke, shock causing her to stutter some. "What about your parents?"

He placed the bunny back in the pen and stood up, holding out his right hand to her. She took it, and she was brought to her feet. Was this another question that she wasn't supposed to ask? Tarhuinn met her gaze. "They passed away after I turned two."

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