Partner in a Deal

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


What felt like hours passed, but (f/n) didn't want evening to fall. It was still awhile off, but she had no desire to share a room with the man sitting across from her. Sure, she had last night, and that had been embarrassing. Now, she couldn't really look at him without wanting to slap some sense into him. She hadn't even been reading the book that much; her mind kept going to solutions on how to solve this problem.

Granted, there was the chance that actually reading would give her that knowledge, but she couldn't put her mind to it. Resting her arms on the desk, she laid her head over them and the book. A groan escaped her lips. She wished that she had never seen him that day out in the ruins. Then, she wouldn't be having this problem, but she just had to search for the supposed monster.

"This will only take more time the longer you procrastinate," the male voiced as the sound of him flipping a page in his own book hit her ears.

"That reminds me. Why do we have to go through this process so quickly? I'm still not agreeing to it, but this time frame seems short to me," she mentioned, lifting her head up a little to look at him.

"It would've been longer had your parents not taken you from me."

"Well, why not wait five years until we have a child? Why can't I enjoy my life a little more?"

"The latest that you can have a child with me is when you're eighteen. Any later and our child will drain the entirety of your life energy before they turn two."

"And, how do you know all of this? Have you tested this out?"

"You would learn this information from that book in front of you as well. By you asking me, it shows me that you're not even trying to read it."

"Then, at least tell me how you knew me to be eighteen. I don't remember telling you that I was six back then."

"When our chosen turns eighteen, it feels like wave washes over our chest. It warns us that our chosen has one year left to bear us a child. Again, you would find this in that book."

"Well, maybe, I don't want to read. I'm tired of being cooped up somewhere like one of your farm animals in a pen. I want to explore the mountains that we're in and enjoy the sights that life has to offer."

"You would insult me by comparing my treatment of you to that of an animal?" he asked, snapping his book shut and standing from his chair. "Your behavior today is reprehensible, and you're testing my patience."

"It's not my fault that you're getting mad by me simply stating the truth. You bring me here, lock me up and tell me that I'm supposed to give you a child. Afterwards, I'm to forfeit my life willingly like I was merely breeding stock. I don't care if you kill yourself when I die. That's a whole another issue. I merely want to live my life, and if I do have a child, I want to spend more than just two years with them. Wouldn't you like to spend more time with your child? And, wouldn't you have wished for more time with your parents?"

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now