Falling Catch

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


For the first hour of morning, it had been relatively similar to the previous one. (F/n) had woken up, bathed, dressed in her own undergarments and a new dress, with it being an off-white color, and had some breakfast. Like before, the dish had been created with clinglobs, though; this time, it had been cooked in a pan with vegetables. It had been delicious.

During breakfast, however, she hadn't been able to shake off an odd feeling. Her right hand had felt strange since she had woken up. It was as though there should've been something there, but she hadn't been able to see it. The sensation had reminded her of when Will had healed her wounds upon first arriving here. Had he done something to her in sleep?

Towards the end of breakfast, a hand rested on her left shoulder. "Are you alright, Bluebell? You look troubled. Did you have a bad dream last night? You've been rather quiet this morning."

She knew very well that she had experienced no such thing. In fact, she had a simple, yet pleasant dream. For the whole time, she had been resting against Tarhuinn. That fact couldn't slip past her lips. "Yes, and it would explain why I woke up with the sheets partially off and my pillow off to the side."

Removing his hand, he took the last bite of his meal. After he swallowed, he asked, "Are you willing to tell me what it was about? Your husband, perhaps?"

"Yes, he was chasing me again. I dreamt that I hadn't found this cabin and that he had recovered from the wound that I had given him. He charged after me, and I ran for the lake. Having nowhere else to go, I jumped in and started to swim across. He didn't go in the water himself. When I looked back, he was gone as was the shore. I was in an endless sea of water before something started to float up to the surface." She paused as though she shouldn't say the next part. He motioned for her to go on. "And, it was a horribly mutilated body; it was your body, Will."

Fingers intertwining, she glanced over to him. His expression remained neutral before he smiled to her. He patted her on the head and stood to his feet. "If you're worried about your husband killing me, you shouldn't. I already told you that I'll be able to handle him. It's flattering to know that you're concerned about my safety, though."

A shy gaze crossed her face. It turned to her hands and stayed fixed there. "I feel that it's insulting to you. You've been so kind to me and promised to give me safety, yet I doubt your word as I'm sleeping in your very bed."

Picking up their dishes, he chuckled some. "Having someone apologize to me about dreaming about me is a new one. It doesn't bother me at all. You've only seen your husband fight, not me. So, you have no comparison to make. It would only be natural for you to assume that your husband could very well win against me. His actions probably overshadow my words at the moment. Now, how about I make you forget about that nightmare by showing you how to fish?"

Smiling a little, she nodded. "Thank you. I would like that." He returned the smile before putting the dishes in the wash bucket for now. When he came back to her, he held out his left hand for her. Hesitantly, she took it and allowed him to pull her up.

Leading her outside, he closed the door behind them and gestured her to go towards the lake. "Head over while I get the supplies. I'll meet you there shortly." She complied while he headed off to the back of the cabin. If she had tried to follow him, it would've most likely resulted in her death. The supplies were probably near the entrance to some secret area of his. (F/n) needed to see no bodies to know what he was capable of.

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