New World

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


(F/n) purposefully had eaten her dinner slow. She had wanted to stall since she hadn't known what Tarhuinn had planned for them that evening. The dinner itself had been quiet as she had been too focused on her slow eating to converse with him. Granted, she had felt his gaze on her, and it had only made the situation worse.

When they had both finished eating, she had helped him with cleanup. Even on that, she had moved at a snail's pace. Once completed, Tarhuinn had signaled them to head to bed. She had merely nodded and had followed after him. Arriving at their shared room, she had paused by the doorway.

Resting his right hand on her shoulder, he had voiced, "Don't worry, (f/n). I'm not going to rush into that with you. We still have time like you mentioned."

She had breathed a sigh of relief at that and had given him a quiet word of thanks. From there, the two of them had prepared for bed before going to sleep. Tarhuinn, though, had made her sleep on his bed that night. He had stated that he wouldn't hurry anything, but he had mentioned that he wanted to hold her close from now on. To that, she had agreed since he was her husband despite how odd it still seemed to her.

Now, it being the next day, both were preparing their travel bags. Items to trade, their own food, clothing, medical and hygiene supplies and books were split into their two bags. Earlier that morning, however, she had noticed him putting on a leather belt which was armed with ten small steel daggers. His cloak covered the weapons belt, and she wondered if he would have to use any of those daggers. Maybe, over the course of the trip, she could convince him to let her have a try with one.

Regardless, they had now finished their packing and were headed towards the entrance doors to greet his friend. Personally, though, she was just excited that she would be able to go past those doors soon. Tarhuinn easily noted her eagerness to get going, but he made her stand back some from the doors. "You'll get to see the rest of our world soon enough, (f/n). Be patient for a little longer."

"Fine," she mumbled as she went to adjusting the string of her cloak. She once again had her boots on, and she made sure to stay out of the water with them on. Soggy boots would make traveling somewhat of a nuisance. The rest of her attire was rather comfortable as well. Her blue cotton shirt hung loosely around her torso but still covered her undershirt completely, and her grey cotton pants allowed her easy maneuverability.

A knock on the doors caught their attention, and Tarhuinn opened them. "Nyclaya, thank you for coming over for me," he greeted as they clasped wrists.

"Of course, I'm happy to help out a good friend. It's a good thing that we live close, otherwise the walk over here every day would get old fast. Now, where's this wife of yours?" she asked before peeking around him. She grinned before unclasping her hand and coming over to (f/n).

Seeing the female kelremm head directly for her, (f/n) took a step back and looked slightly concerned. The female kelremm was dressed in an interesting manner as well. She wore a blue leather armor corset along with black leather pants. (F/n) thought that the attire would be uncomfortable for working on crops, but she kept that opinion to herself.

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