Dire Duty

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


She didn't know if he expected her to gasp or faint or something of that nature, but she just remained quiet. It probably should've been more shocking, but, given how her stay was going so far, it made some sense. Him whispering her name for twelve years, changing in front of her, taking a bath in front of her, etc., it all pointed to something other than him rescuing her from her parents just for the sake of being a kind person.

Granted, she had been wishing that was case but, him telling her that she can only move around in his home, gave only more evidence to something more going on. She supposed this is why one doesn't go off into water with a mysterious male. Still, it was better than remaining in that room in her parents' house.

(F/n) reassured herself that this mate thing might not even be that bad. The term mate might mean something completely different to him. Such a thought caused her to nervously chuckle in her head; it definitely meant something else. "So, what tasks fall under this role?" she asked, somehow managing to keep her voice steady.

"Over the next few months, you'll learn to help me with the small farm, and you'll study in here about my kind and our culture. This will prepare you for the end of those few months. From there, we'll be married, and you'll bear me a child."

Well, there went her hope of mate meaning something else. How could he say something like that so casually, though? She could already fill heat rising in her cheeks. "Wait, but I barely even know you. Whispering to me for twelve years doesn't count as really knowing the other person."

"That's why those few months are there as well. We'll get to know each other better."

"Don't I get a choice in this matter? You're not asking for some small thing here."

A frown appeared on his lips, and he leaned back in his chair. With his right hand, he rubbed his temple and muttered, "This is why I wish that I could've brought you in sooner. Things would be so much simpler then."

Offended by this, she sat up in her chair straighter and tightened her fingers around her dress skirt. "What's that supposed to mean?! Is that so you could condition me into a willing wife who would do anything that you commanded?!" She didn't mean to raise her voice so much, but she couldn't help it. What he said had crossed the line for her.

"Don't raise your voice at me, (f/n)." His gaze locked with hers, and his eyes dared her to speak out again.

Almost she apologized, but she pushed his still soothing voice away. "Fine, let's say I agree to this, and we have a child. Are we to raise them how you were raised?"

His gaze still wasn't pleasant to look at, but he had relaxed slightly. "Yes, and once the child turns two, we'll die. The child will then take over the household."

Freezing, she just stared at him, and her mouth gaped open some. How could he be so relaxed about all of this? Is this what his parents taught him? She closed her mouth and tried to suppress her anger. "Not only does your kind take human children to more easily inculcate them into your culture but also you expect them to just willingly hand their lives over for your kind. And, you expect me to just readily agree to all of this? Why can't your kind mate with your own?"

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