Down into the Abyss

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Closer and nearer, the spy came to them. Tarhuinn and she remained in their positions, not moving at all. They remained silent, and the steps slowed. When they finally came to a stop, the spy's shadow stretched across the stone wall. Light flickered and changed its shape occasionally. They both noticed the shadow of a short sword extending over the stone.

(F/n) darted her eyes over to Tarhuinn. He had one of his daggers at the ready. The spy moved a few steps closer, and their bare feet were able to be seen. She stayed hidden, and she would do so until he came closer to the rocks or until Tarhuinn drew the spy's attention. They were so close now. Her hands tightened even more on two of her daggers.

Their eyes fell upon Tarhuinn, and they immediately went to shout. As they turned, Tarhuinn leaped out of the water. The spy turned their back to her, and she darted out from the rocks. Dodging Tarhuinn's attack, the spy spun on their heel right into one of her blades. Metal plunged into their chest, and their eyes widened as the life faded from them.

The blade's victim collided with the floor while Tarhuinn walked over to her. They gave each other a congratulatory smile for taking out the four spies, but they were hardly done with their mission. There were still five authors for them to bring back to the mermaids. Two of them, they wouldn't have to encounter now, but the three below weren't exactly easy prey.

Both of them, though, proceeded to head down the way where the last spy had been. They kept their attention to the room below and saw that no other kelremm entered the space. No human made themselves known either. The authors were on their own unless there were guards in their rooms.

When they reached the end of the path, there was a stairwell leading downwards. Cautiously, they made their descent. They had to keep the pace even slower because of the water. (F/n) had nearly slipped several times on the water covered steps. If it weren't for Tarhuinn on some of those times, her face would have impacted the hard stone, and that probably wouldn't have left her in fighting condition.

At the bottom, they carefully peeked out from behind one of the stone walls. They were at the top of the space where the room doors were. Their focus directed itself to the door in the middle. According to what they had heard last night, that door led to Alpontus's room.

Quietly, they traveled across the floor. Light splashes of water still sounded, but they hoped that no one would notice. Besides, Rocean and Amtoma were rather preoccupied at the moment. Once at the door, Tarhuinn rested his hands over the metal doorknob. He took a deep breath in before he exhaled. Steadily, he turned the knob. The door opened and made a slight creaking sound.

Gulping, (f/n) peered around him and into the room. The space was domed, and a circular, ceiling window allowed light in. It illuminated the main water path of the room. As for the furniture, it was similar to their home back in the first complex but more spread out, larger and cushioned with regards to the bed. Pillows and sheets were piled on top, and some were near to dipping into the water. Torches were around the space as well but were unlit for the moment.

Stepping into the area, Tarhuinn closed the door behind them. Movement could be seen under the sheets. Quietly, they advanced towards the bed. Sheets slipped down some to reveal long, ink-black locks in a thick braid. They were near in length to Tarhuinn's but just a little shorter. The male turned their head towards her, and she froze. His eyes remained closed, but she took a worried step back. Jaw-length bangs brushed against the kelremm's forehead and hid most of it while they fanned out over the rest of his face.

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