Cold yet Warm

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Right arm draped over her eyes and left hand clutched at the sheets, (f/n) was trying to block out the morning light. It streamed through the window as most of the cloud cover was at the top of the mountains. Down by the lake, it seemed more like a summer's day than an autumn one, but the cold still persisted. Groaning at the amount of light, she rolled onto her left side and pulled the sheets over. Her eyes snapped open, though, upon hearing that particular laugh.

An amused Will stood beside the bed. His hands rested on his hips before he crouched down in front of her. Instantly, she sat up and moved more towards the window. It was a pity that she couldn't remain asleep longer, but she did have a job ahead of her. "Still shy around me? Oh well if you stay here longer, you'll get used to me. Regardless," he stood back up and opened the wardrobe, "you should go ahead and take a bath."

Offended, she crossed her arms and huffed. Quickly realizing his implication, he apologized. "Not that you smell, but it might do you good after these past few days. The lake water is quite nice once heated a little."

It had been a few days since she had bathed, but she didn't want to be nude around him. "And, I take it that you'll be heating the water?" She received a nod, and, now, she definitely didn't wish to have one. (F/n) noted as well that he seemed to be taking out some attire for her.

Handing her one of the off shoulder undershirts, nearly see-through underwear and a questionable blue dress, she shook her head at him. "I'm not wearing these. I can just wash the clothes on me in the water while I take a bath. And, I don't need the water heated up."

"I'm not going to stare at you, Bluebell. I'm just going to heat the water towards the shore of the lake and turn my back to you afterwards. With your husband possibly still out there, I'll need to remain outside, though. As for the clothes, suit yourself, but those will get worn out if you keep washing them every day. And, my sister wouldn't want her dress ruined. So at least change into the new dress."

She wanted to tell him that the dress wasn't his sister's, but if she said such a thing, she would be out in the open. Perhaps, it really was his sister's. If that were the case, she felt terrible for the girl that had to call this man a sibling. Fighting back the urge to punch him, she handed back the undergarments and took the dress with her. To her relief, she still had her own undershirt, which would offset the very low cut of the dress.

"Fine, but if I catch you peeking at me, you're going to regret it." She truly did mean that, but she said it in such a way as though she were a little girl scolding a cute little animal. It would put him off guard and give her the upper hand if she did have to attack so soon in the game.

Another light chuckle left his lips. "I'll keep that in mind," he answered playfully before he signaled for her to follow. Getting up from the bed, she grabbed her boots and trailed behind him. When they reached the water, she watched him place his hands over the water's surface. Once again a pale red light emitted from his hands.

"Is your magic always that color?" she asked, wishing to learn a little more about how it worked. It wouldn't only help against him but also the other mage should she ever encounter them.

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