A Court with Pixies

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  A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Since they were to go on the land that was between the two streams, Tarhuinn picked (f/n) up and carried her across. He also did so because it would be harder for the pixies to take her away from him. His rather secure grip didn't go unnoticed by her. She didn't mind it, though. They had no idea what arrangement would be formed, and, among all of the snow pixies, she felt safer being held by him.

When they reached the land, there was a thin stream, which seemed to be trickling from the center area of the land. Beforehand, they hadn't caught sight of the stream since large amounts of snow did well to hide it. Tarhuinn had to walk one step at a time to keep his feet in the small path. Even then, his feet were nearly going out of the water. No doubt, escaping the pixies if need be would be all harder because of the path.

She could see small heads pop up from behind stones or out from the sides of trees. The sun reflected off of the snowflake-like veins, which covered all of their body except their face. They all glittered under the light, and only thin dried leaves, used as clothes, dampened the sparkle of their reflective skin.

As they progressed further in, the trees formed a circle, but the stream continued its straight path. White rose bushes surrounded the perimeter of the circle while at the very center was a single stone column. Twigs and branches were wrapped around it. At the top, there were two thrones made out of twigs. Dried rose leaves served as cushions for the two royal pixies.

In the chair to her right sat the king. The snowflake-like veins were more intricate on him, and a dried leaf skirt wrapped around his hips, flowing down to barely touch his knees. Long white locks descended to his chest while a twig and leaf crown sat atop his head. As for the queen, the dried leaves wrapped around her chest and descended down into a form fitting dress. Like the king, she bore a crown similar to his and had more detailed veins. Her hair fell down past her hips. Both had large pale blue, nearly white, wings extending from their backs.

Their pixie guide bowed to her rulers before she pointed to (f/n). "My king and queen, I have brought the unwanted visitors to us. As you can see, the one is a human. I thought that she might be of interest to you both."

"Thank you, Ilexa. You may wait nearby to hear of our decision. A human is a rare treat for us," the king voiced, his light blue eyes traveling from the pixie to (f/n) and Tarhuinn. "What a lovely match," he mused as he sat a little straighter on his throne. "Still, you may set your partner down, kelremm. We'll not steal her away from you."

Tarhuinn didn't listen and held onto (f/n). Letting out a light laugh, which gave off the image of snow's first fall, the queen reassured, "We promise that we won't harm your wife. We only wish for her to come closer so that we can see her. It's been a long time since a human has crossed our paths."

(F/n) rested her left hand on his left shoulder. She gave him a simple nod to indicate that it would be best to listen. Granted, she didn't want to go anywhere near the pixie royals, but if Tarhuinn disobeyed them again, their polite demeanors might fade away. Hesitantly, he put her on her feet and off the stream. Slowly, she took careful steps towards the pair. To not cause insult, she bowed lightly to them. When she brought her head back up, the queen was directly in front of her. A frightened squeak left (f/n)'s lips as she jumped back some.

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