Strike and Fly

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Even though she had wished to keep some of the details secret from Tarhuinn so that he wouldn't worry, (f/n) had ended up disclosing them to him. If it hadn't been a necessity that they remain quiet, he probably would have shouted in anger and took off to kill both of the spy kelremm. Instead, he had taken the approach of calling her by that convenient nickname that he had for her. The result had been her falling asleep shortly after. She had cuddled into him to be warmer while she maintained her tight hold on the blankets and cloaks.

Awaking later on, she draped the cloak over her head. The morning sun shone through a gap in the clouds, and its brightness wasn't welcomed by her eyes. Her discomfort, however, was soon replaced by panic and worry. She didn't feel Tarhuinn next to her. Despite her increased heartbeat, she reminded herself not to shoot up from her spot and call out for him.

She forced herself to raise herself slowly. Her head didn't go past the rocks, and she remained hidden as far as she was concerned. Alarm dissipated in the process. He had simply moved away from her and was crouching towards back of the flat space.

Water from the small stream ran down the back of him, but he didn't seem to notice in the slightest. He didn't even greet her with a good morning. His attention was trained directly ahead. Most likely, he was observing the hidden spy, so she didn't disturb him. She followed his gaze and lowered herself once more.

Out ahead, she spotted a head of ink-black colored hair. Short and curly locks rested atop the male's head, and she could see the right side of his face. His features were somewhat childlike, but when he turned his head to the right some more, his light blue eyes were anything but that. He stared out towards the stream that trailed off from the lake, but she moved her head even lower to the stone base of their hiding spot.

It might have been out of terror. Those eyes of his spoke that he would complete his mission even if it meant going to extreme measures. To her, his eyes looked more like those of a trained assassin, yet there was a tinge of madness to them. She considered that the trait might be there because of his supposed devotion to the author Amtoma. Whatever the case, he didn't fit the voice of the male that she had heard last night.

Whispering, she asked, "Was there another swap of positions after I had fallen asleep?"

"No. That's the same male from last night. After observing him through the night and morning, I can tell that he's very skilled with the blade in his left hand, but he doesn't know how to hide like the female kelremm before him. I'll need to take him out without a close-range encounter. I'll only have one shot to throw one of my daggers and hit him. If it doesn't kill him, I have a feeling that he'll call out for others and/or charge towards us afterwards."

Her hands clutched at the blankets a little more. "I believe that you can hit him. You struck those gnashers with only one hit to each of them."

"Yes, but I'm not fond of the present angle. I could easily miss and hit a rock instead. And, I've tried to aim from other angles, but they were no better. In fact, some were much worse." His eyes narrowed a bit as if he was testing a scenario out in his head. He shifted his dark blue orbs over to her for a moment. "If I miss, hold your dagger tightly and stay low to the ground. You'll only attack if he makes it to the wall and starts climbing up here. If more kelremm reveal themselves and some have bows and arrows, press yourself up against the rock and hold your pack over your head. I'll try to hit any away, but if they come in a great quantity, I can only do so much unfortunately."

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