Placing the Pieces

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"We heard that same rumor from the trader," (f/n) voiced to Tarhuinn, who nodded in response and kept his gaze on the male.

"And, I'm presuming that no one has verified this rumor because it's too dangerous to ask Tergii and Bimaa," Tarhuinn pointed out as the scared male nodded. "And, how many questioners were there before us? Who before you did they send on the task of killing them?"

"There weren't many. You two are the first that any of us have seen. In the past, it is said that there were a total of four others, but you understand that most of our kind don't question the texts in our homes. Even we here don't question the books, but that's mainly because we're too afraid to, especially if it regards the five authors' texts. As for who was given the task before me, it was my father. He's the one who taught me how to use a bow and a little bit about a blade."

"I wonder if they were going to ask the same question as us," (f/n) muttered more to herself than to her partner. Looking to male, she asked, "Were those four killed, then?"

"Two of them were, but, apparently, the other two vanished in this house like the authors. They must have been killed along the way, though, since Tergii and Bimaa still visit us."

"That means that it's possible to find this secret passage without magic. And, you don't know where this passage is?" Tarhuinn questioned, his voice still anything but pleasant towards the male.

"No, I swear that I don't. None of us in this complex do. Even if we did, we wouldn't go down there. We know what we're dealing with, and we don't invite an early death to our homes."

"What about their ways to know about the other complexes? Do you know anything more about these spies or other passages?" he inquired to the past attacker.

"No, I only know of the rumors that have spread among us. If that's all, may I please go now?"

Maintaining a look of hatred, Tarhuinn switched the dagger in his hand to hold it by the blade. He swiftly lifted the male up and pushed him away. With the past attacker's back towards him, Tarhuinn reacted swiftly and brought the handle of the blade down against the back of the male's head. The sound of the blow made it seem like he had killed the male, but (f/n) noted that he was still breathing.

"He'll survive, but we can't have him running off before we find this entrance. I want to be out of here when he wakes back up. Otherwise, the rest of the complex might be on us, and, soon, they'll probably be wondering what's taking him so long," Tarhuinn explained as he picked up the male. After he had placed the male out of the forest and partially in the water path towards the entrance to the room, he came back and picked up their lantern. "Let's hurry and check these trees for a possible hidden passage."

Stepping over the male, she made no argument and followed beside her partner. (F/n) did keep herself on alert, however, in case someone else decided to attack them that evening. In a worst case scenario, they could always run for the window and head outside. Granted, the climate out there wouldn't be too forgiving. A shiver ran up her spine just thinking about the biting cold.

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