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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

He was right. Her mind was in too much panic at the moment. All she wanted was to grab her weapon and make some effort to defend herself. Will had already made it quite clear, though, that he wouldn't let her go until she answered his questions. (F/n) forced herself to find the courage to speak, to utter at least something. Gulping, she replied, "... Yes, he is."

She didn't give him time to react, for she only had moments to spare. After the words left her lips, she drew her head back and brought it forward. Their foreheads collided, and a cry of pain left them both. Will, however, had lost his grip on her.

Despite the sharp pain in her head, she pushed her hands against his chest hard, which allowed her to fall backwards. Her hands sunk into the soaked blanket and snow. The cold bit at her, but she dug her hands in further until she felt the solid ground beneath. Once discovered, she crawled backwards on her hands and created some much needed distance between the two of them.

Her right hand flung to her boot and unsheathed the blade there. As Will locked his gaze with hers, she pushed herself to her feet. The dagger pointed towards him while her free hand was pressed against her forehead. "Oh, so you have been playing me this whole time? Do you wish to kill me, then? Or, is it something else that you want from a lonely mage in the woods?" he asked, getting to his feet and healing his forehead. "Then again, some of your actions were definitely genuine."

"I did laugh with you and become embarrassed, but that's it. There's nothing more to it. As for what I want from you, I want you to come with me to the pixies. You're to protect them." Her response was greeted with silence and an unreadable expression on Will. Everything was falling in around her, and her plan in the end had resorted to threatening him with her dagger.

A grin began to form on Will's lips while his hands rested on his hips. "Is that so? So, the pixies sent you to me. And, that's why you were so observant of me and so doubtful of my words. They had told you about me." The grin grew wider, and it was as though all kindness had left him. He took a step towards her, and her grip on the knife tightened.

"Though, I do wonder what would cause you to make such a deal with them. Maybe, they spared you the details of what I do to my victims when their time expires. Even then, only someone mad would agree to enter my home willingly once they knew about my favorite treat unless there's something that they desperately wanted from the pixies. Again, I question what that is." He came closer, and she backed away more, preparing herself for an attack from him.

Stopping, he brought his left hand up to his lips and tapped his index finger against them. "I'm also curious about how you intended to originally persuade me to come with you. Did you hope to learn about my past and find my weakness there? Did you think that you could turn my past against me by becoming a sympathetic maiden? Were you going to try and comfort me into being your friend?"

Seeing her bite her lower lip and the evident fear in her eyes, his eyes seemed to gleam. "So, that was your plan." A loud chuckle left him before he burst into more laughter. His hands clutched his sides, but she knew better than to attack him then. He might look vulnerable, but he was still probably fully aware of her.

Regaining his composure, he stood upright and placed his hands back on his hips. "Unfortunately, Bluebell, that wouldn't have worked. Despite how different you are from my past victims, I still and will always consider you a prize for me to claim. Your natural kindness and innocence have led to some most amusing incidents with you, but they only would've extended your life with me, not saved it. The same goes for if you had comforted me once I told you my past, but I see in your eyes that you're still curious about my childhood friends. So, I'll indulge you.

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