Close at Camp

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Drying her clothes out on the smooth stone, she brought her knees up to her chest and waited for Tarhuinn to finish with his bathing. Of course, she kept her attention elsewhere from him. Her eyes focused back on where the tenlites had attacked. Had she called out a second later, she might very well be dead. She wondered if there would be any more creatures like that, and she wished that Tarhuinn would give her one of his daggers. It wouldn't be too effective underwater, but it was still something.

At the moment, though, she knew that it wasn't the right time to ask. He was most likely still mad at her, and she now desired that they hadn't stopped for camp. Resting her forehead on her knees, she sighed against her skin. What if some more dangerous foe came upon them? Tarhuinn already mentioned that they would turn back around and go home, but she didn't want that.

She would make sure that they would continue, but how could she defend herself? Tarhuinn would protect her, yet he had set a limit to their journey. If she could learn how to fight, Tarhuinn could focus on himself, and they might be able to fight off something more threatening if it did appear.

Footsteps and splashes of water, though, caused her to pay attention to her surroundings again, but she kept her forehead where it was. Something was draped around her shoulders before she felt an arm wrap around her waist. Within moments, she was pulled towards what she could only presume was Tarhuinn. Her head ended up being pressed against his right shoulder, and she felt some heat come to her cheeks. Regardless, she kept her gaze away from him.

His hold tightened, and his other hand grabbed her. She was turned from her side to sit directly in front of him on his lap. In the process, she fell forward some and ended up pressing her hands and head to his chest. Her cheeks became hotter as she was glad that her face was hidden presently.

"I told you that I would hold you closer now, but I would like you to look at me. I'm your husband; you shouldn't feel embarrassed by this, but it's cute that you do." His left hand came up and started to stroke her hair. "Or, is it that you're worried that I'm still mad at you? Well, I am. Your shyness is adorable to an extent, but there's no place for it when you're in danger. In fact, you're lucky that I don't force you to bathe with me from now on."

Fire seemed to explode in her cheeks, but her worry caused her to look up at him. "You w-wouldn't ac-actually d-do th-that, wo-would you?" she stuttered out, trying to push the warmth in her cheeks away.

"Only if you wait to call out to me again," he responded, bringing his left fingers to rest under her chin. "It may seem like a punishment, but I'm only threatening this because it will elicit you to act in a safer fashion. Besides, you may change your mind later and willingly want to take a bath with me."

Not being able to maintain her gaze with him anymore, she looked to her left and pulled her chin away from him. "Can you let me off of your lap now? You're going to get my boots wet," she mumbled since she couldn't find another excuse at the moment. After all, he was sitting in such a way that his feet were in a small stream that ran down the smooth surface of the stone.

A chuckle left his lips, and he moved his left hand back down to her waist. Instead of letting her go, he leaned back and pulled her down with him. Caught off guard, she ended up face-planting onto his chest while his left arm secured itself around her waist. She looked up some and saw his other hand pull his cloak from out under him before he laid it over the two of them.

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