Smiling at Reluctance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Will was sitting in the seat he had taken up before. There was now a tea kettle over the fire. He indicated for her to retake her seat, but she did happen to note that his eyes traveled to her chest area for a moment. A laugh escaped his lips, causing a light dose of heat to hit her cheeks. She sat down in a huff. After she crossed her arms, (f/n) asked, "What?"

"That undershirt looks rather odd with that dress, no?"

"Well, excuse me for wanting to be more covered, especially in winter," she countered, glancing away from him. If there was one thing that she wouldn't act about, it was her articles of clothing. For as long as she could prevent it, she would make sure that he wouldn't see too much of her. He was lucky right now that he could see her exposed arms. The less skin was all the better.

(F/n) didn't want to send the wrong message. She needed things to go smoothly on her end, but trying to win his sympathy towards her wouldn't be easy. This male's kindness was probably all an act on its own. If he got bored of her, he would reveal the fangs that he currently kept so well hidden. Still, she couldn't let too much of her actual personality come through.

So, she cast her gaze to the window. Outside, she couldn't see much due to the light's reflection on the glass, but she let fear glaze over her eyes. She tightened her fingers around the skirt more as she allowed a visible shiver to run up her spine.

His amused look fell upon noting her state. "I see that you're still worried. It makes sense since it sounds like your husband truly meant his threat." He stood from his chair and headed into the next room where he pulled a blanket off of the bed. Returning, he set it upon her shoulders before he wrapped it around her. It was obvious to notice that he had purposefully glided his fingers across her upper arms. She made it just as clear that she tensed under his touch.

Taking his seat once more, he continued, "Though, I would like to hear why your husband thinks that you cheated on him. That's quite an accusation to make."

Holding the blanket around her more, she permitted her bottom lip to quiver from terror. She acted as though she had seen the grim reaper himself ready to execute her. "H-he w-was..." (F/n) paused and swallowed to force away the stutter. "He was so angry when he returned home from his trip to town. I think that something went wrong with his business. Or, maybe, he didn't sell enough wood. I'm not sure; he never told me what happened.

"When he asked me to follow him to the bedroom, I refused as I could tell what he wanted. I didn't think that ..." She looked down at her fingers and played with them a bit while a little bit of heat entered her cheeks. "I'm sorry ... it's just awkward to tell someone that I barely know this, but ..." she peered back up at him meekly before glancing back down, "I suppose that your generosity deserves an explanation." He gave no movement to protest, but when she looked up, she saw him giving her one of his reassuring smiles again.

Nodding in response, she continued. "I didn't think that it would be right to consummate our marriage when he was so enraged. He thought otherwise and grabbed me before he left these marks on my skin." Her fingers instinctively went up to the two bruises. "But, I managed to push him away and create some distance between us.

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