A Spy's Spy

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Vision poor, (f/n) relied on her ears for the first watch. The sky was thick with clouds, and she could barely see past the two rocks in front of her. Beyond the gap between the two rocks, it was pitch black to her. There was no rainfall, which she was grateful for, but there was a slight breeze. She could hear it travel between the pine branches. Its soft sound didn't hide the movement on the forest floor, however.

She did note that the movement wasn't footsteps. In fact, she was quite certain that it belonged to a haasna. A bird would flap its wings occasionally, and she figured, at another point in time, that some birds had flown overhead. Besides these noises, there was the sound of Tarhuinn's steady breathing. He was fast asleep, and she had to remove his arm from around her. If she hadn't, she would've been pulled to his chest, and her vision would really be useless at that point. Were they not in a dangerous situation, she would've happily accepted his embrace.

(F/n) did glance over to him, though. There were still no signs of any movement down by the lake or around it for that matter. So, she figured that she could admire him. She couldn't look over all the details of his face, but she could gently glide her fingers over them. It was a soothing action, and it was even more so when she pushed back some of his long strands of hair.

Their water-like flow eased her mind. She remained worried about someone spotting them, but her nerves weren't screaming at her to run back and return to the first complex. Her fingers halted, however, when her ears picked up something. Rocks were impacting other rocks. It sounded like small stones hitting the stone path around the lake.

Her hand drew back to her, and she grew still. She distinguished two grunts of effort while the water in the lake was disturbed from its usual gentle pattern of noise. Water falling on the stone followed, and she heard a male voice state, "Thank you." Someone must have pulled another up from the lake. Did that mean that the entrance was under the water? Staying silent, she continued to listen.

"Did you find anything on your watch? Was anyone foolish enough to come up here?"

"No. No one stepped into this area. I honestly don't even know why our masters are so worried about that male kelremm and his wife. They'll most likely be killed before they even make it to the split streams, and the only reason that they managed to get past the pixies was because of that mage."

"From the sounds of it, though, that mage is incredibly deadly. And, for that reason, Alpontus is wondering how the pixies acquired him. Recently, he developed a theory that the mage was brought to the pixies by that male kelremm and his wife. He's certain that the pixies wouldn't have been able to convince him to help otherwise. He says that those two must've done something."

"Well, based on the account of the mage's actions, why would he let that kelremm and his wife go? It's more likely that he would've killed the kelremm and taken the wife for his own amusement."

"That's why it's so troubling. Master Alpontus is considering that he may have underestimated those two. And, he's given new orders on what to do with them. We're not to kill them anymore. If we find them, we're to bring them back alive. He wishes to learn whether they really had a hand in the mage's arrival."

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