Night Escape

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A/N: As always, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Over the course of the next week, (f/n) had found her schedule to be rather typical. She had been expecting him to teach her the wedding customs, but he had merely explained that there were the vows and rings. (F/N) had figured, however, that she could make a few modifications; she was getting married only once. So, why not add a little something extra to the occurrence?

She had stressed that they should at least have a wedding dinner for themselves and that he shouldn't see her the morning that they were married. He had agreed to prepare a dinner, but he hadn't seen the point in not seeing her right before the wedding. (F/n) had explained the purpose for it, and the reality that it was because families didn't wish to have the groom walk out on the bride before they were married.

Since that wasn't an issue in their case, she had mentioned that it would make things more exciting. She had received a skeptical look as he had explained that they were getting married and that was thrilling enough. In the end, he hadn't budged on the issue.

It being the night before their marriage day, (f/n) had waited for Tarhuinn to fall asleep. When she felt that he had, she sat up on her bed and glanced over to her dresser. She had decided to wear the purple dress. The dress was the most elegant out of the selection. Granted, she was tempted to wear her traveling clothes to spite him for not agreeing to not see her tomorrow morning. Besides, the travel clothes were rather comfortable since they were a bit looser than the measurements that she had given Tarhuinn.

Turning her attention back to him, she glanced downwards and noted that he was still asleep. It was hard to tell since his long locks covered most of his face. Carefully, she placed her feet on his bed, reached over towards him and went for the chain around his neck. If he didn't have such long hair, it would've been easier to remove the necklace, but she would manage.

Once her hands were on the chain, she lifted it and moved his hair out of the way. There wasn't a real problem until some strands of his hair were under his left arm. Muttering a few curses, she set the necklace back down on him and rolled him a bit from his side to his stomach. She grabbed all of his hair and lifted it before she moved him back to his original position.

Glad that he was still asleep, she now removed the necklace with the room key. Smiling to herself at her accomplishment, she picked up her nightgown some and stepped into the water. Honestly, she didn't think that would work so well. She would've definitely woken up if someone had done that to her.

When she was at the room door, she inserted the key and unlocked the door. Once she left the room, she locked the door behind her. Now if he awoke, he wouldn't be able to follow her. She wished for a little alone time before she was married to him. The only alone time which she had received was when he had left for the market. Granted, he was only gone for a short time.

Besides, it's not like she had the key to the entrance door, and she had learned that the pool they entered through would mean death for her. Tarhuinn had told her that unless she could hold her breath for fifteen minutes, she would drown. The only reason she had made it on her entry to his home was because of his quickened ability to swim in water. So, there was no real reason for him to worry, but she still locked the door because he would probably rage at her for leaving their room in the middle of the night.

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