Advance into Darkness

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend to put the video on loop.

They stood at the top of the staircase, and she looked out to the dark waters beyond. It unnerved her that she couldn't see even a little past the surface of the water. The calmness of the pool was also unsettling. She felt like something could leap out and pull them under easily. Instinctively, she tightened her hand around his. "You've been through this area before, right?" she asked, glancing up towards him some.

"Yes but only once," he answered, taking some steps down the stairs, while water ran down them. "You don't need to worry. Nothing in those waters will harm you."

"So, there is something in there?" Worry and slight panic were evident in (f/n)'s voice while her mind started to imagine something horrid. "What's in there, then?"

"Water pixies, though, they rarely make an appearance to us kelremm. They might come out to see you, however, since they rarely glance upon humans. And if for some reason they try to harm you, I'll make sure that they receive the message to stand down."

"I guess that's not so bad, then." She felt a little more relieved, but, personally, she didn't want them to come up and out of the water. If they did, something unwanted could occur, and she understood that Tarhuinn meant his threat. After seeing him handle a knife, she didn't desire to know what kind of carnage he could bring upon the pixies.

Reaching the end of the steps, the water lapped up against the bottom one. For a moment, she was concerned that they would have to swim across, but she saw a few boats stationed nearby. Tarhuinn let go of her and brought one over to them. As he crouched, he held the boat steady so that she could step in. Once she was in, he stepped in and sat sideways. The one side of the boat was completely flat and more like a raft, which allowed him to place his feet and lower legs in the water.

"Alright, hand me the paddle," he instructed, holding his hands out. She did so, and they started to move across the water.

"Are you going to be able to see alright? The light's only getting dimmer."

"Yes, I made it across before, remember? When it becomes pitch black, though, remain calm. My eyes can see in the dark since kelremm sometimes need to swim in dark waters like this. If you hear any other sounds besides my breathing and rowing, it's the pixies."

"Okay, I trust you," she answered as they went closer towards the unlit maw of the cave. When it did become pitch black, she tensed and clenched her hands around the fabric of her cloak. She made herself focus on the sound of the paddle moving through the water and closed her eyes. (F/n) told herself that they would be out of the area soon enough.

Feeling something brush across her right arm, she jumped and nearly lost her balance on the boat. She regained her balance, opened her eyes and rubbed her arm. When she felt something touch her left knee, her heart almost leaped out of her chest until she realized that it was a hand. "Are you alright, (f/n)?"

Glad that it was just Tarhuinn, she replied, "Yes, but something went across my arm. Was it one of the pixies?"

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