Something Stolen

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Aqua glanced around the room once. "This had been where the mage had stayed. He had slept on that very stone where you were just lying, kelremm." Her fingers ran along the edge of it before they tightened their hold. The stone appeared as though it may crack for a moment in time, but she eased her hand and drew it back to beside her. "When the situation was reported to our ancestors, all of them hurried back here. Nothing of his had been left behind. They checked the rooms of the five, and, in one of them, they had found a message, which was made of the plants that grow at the bottom of these pools.

"This note had belonged to one of the mermaids, and she had explained how she was leaving with the mage to help him with his experiment of creating a new being. She had written that she intended to marry him. Obviously, he had shared no such sentiment. Unfortunately, she had disclosed no more facts on the process of this experiment, but our ancestors had made the connections.

"Those five that had been killed had been combined with several other species. Our ancestors had learned of such a fact when they had encountered the mage's creations later on. From the day of the mage leaving, they had placed guards out by the entrance to our home. Every day, they had waited for the mage's return so that they could exact proper punishment. The mage had fulfilled that wish two years later.

"Performing their duty, four guards had waited. They had heard footsteps down the main stream and had gone to investigate. The guards had kept themselves hidden, but they had nearly struck out immediately. Before them had been the mage, but he hadn't been alone that time. With him had been five children. From the reports that had been given, they had looked to be of different ages. It had been clear, though, where they had received some of their characteristics."

Her cerulean eyes had glanced over Tarhuinn. "Similar blue skin, eyes all one color, sharpened teeth, it was as though someone had taken merfolk and had turned them partially human. In actuality, those guards' report hadn't been too far from the truth."

(F/n) noticed that Tarhuinn had tensed. She was aware of the connection that was already beginning to form, and it wasn't only the fact that his kind was probably part merfolk. "And, these five children weren't killed that day?" she questioned, resting a hand on Tarhuinn's upper right arm to comfort him.

"No, they weren't," answered Lacus. "In fact, those five children had nearly killed the guards. They had the assistance of the mage, but they had utilized a similar yell as your husband had emitted. They had stunned the guards for long enough and had permitted the mage to attack with ease. Those guards had barely escaped that day. Most likely, they would've been killed had the mage decided to not be generous." He rolled his eyes at the end of his statement, clearly thinking that no kindness existed in the situation at all.

"Then, those five are the five authors?" (f/n) inquired further.

"Yes," Piscina responded. "It makes you wonder how they have managed to survive for so long. I'd even say that you two have a good chance of extending your lives if you make it out of here," she added as her eyes gleamed with interest. "It's exciting to think of a prolonging life serum. I'd love to see it."

Tarhuinn moved (f/n) closer to him and wrapped an arm protectively around her waist. Before either of them could remark on her comment, Cetar intervened. "You know well enough Piscina that even if such a serum exists; we want nothing to do with it. It was most likely created by that mage, and we won't drink anything that belonged to him. We don't even know how it would truly affect our kind."

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