Dual Dislike

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Watching the abhorrent author take her away, Tarhuinn nearly yelled for him to put her down. He had no right to carry or touch her. When the author had kneed her, he almost gave himself away again. His thoughts were starting to lose control of themselves, and the desire to kill beat rapidly in his mind, though; his heart rate remained steady. If he succumbed completely to his own desires now, he wouldn't be able to focus and get out of the bonds. (F/n) needed him, and when the door closed behind the two of them, the sense for urgency increased.

At the same time to his left, there was a battle of magic occurring. Water, flames and air struck against each other, and fire nearly scorched him on several accounts. The benefit, though, was that it heated the water bonds, and the water began to evaporate more quickly. His healing burn marks weren't too appreciative of the heat, but getting to his wife was more vital than his damaged skin.

He needed to escape the restraints before either one of the mages was killed. Once their fight was over, he would either be tortured or killed, and (f/n) would have to fend for herself. That wasn't an option to him. Alpontus was just too skilled a fighter in comparison to her even though she had improved tremendously in her combat abilities. The best that she could do would be to stall him. Unfortunately, that wouldn't probably last too long either.

Whatever words were exchanged between the two mages, he didn't pay attention. It was mainly insults and the human taunting the kelremm to no end. Clearly, Icniss was falling right into the trap as he would hurl yells of pure rage back. As the fight progressed, Icniss's control over his bonds weakened. Tarhuinn was near to slipping his hands free.

A loud impact alerted him. Briefly, he peered over and noted that Icniss had been thrown into one of the walls. The human advanced towards him and continued to gibe him. The bonds became more forgiving. His hands were free. Instantly, he went to work on his ankles. It didn't take as long due to Icniss's condition and the aid from his hands.

Glancing back to the two mages, he noted that Icniss had picked himself back up and was defending himself from an onslaught of fire and air attacks. The kelremm mage's attention being elsewhere, Tarhuinn stood from his seat. His eyes had caught the bodies of four kelremm spies up above. Given their hand positions, it looked as though they had been strangled. It was most likely the work of the human mage since there was no rope, chain, fabric or other items nearby.

Glad that he wouldn't have to worry about them, he darted towards Alpontus's room. Before Icniss could spot and stop him, he opened the door and closed it behind him. He barely even registered that they weren't in the bedroom when he heard (f/n)'s scream. Several yells followed. Racing ahead, he threw open the next door and barreled through.

His dark blues caught sight of the scene before him. (F/n) was pinned to one of the walls in the pool. Hands clenching tightly, he thought that he might break his own bones. Alpontus glanced over, and his eyes narrowed considerably. Puzzlement wrote itself across his countenance as did utmost vexation. The author's grip increased on her wrists, and (f/n) yelped in pain. "I'm getting very tired of seeing you free. I didn't wish to be disturbed."

(F/n) attempted to use Tarhuinn's distraction to wrench herself free, but a loud snap caught all of her focus. Another scream left her, and she couldn't help the tears that formed. She bit her bottom lip while her whole right arm began to tremble with shock from the pain. At least, the cold stone finally served a positive purpose against her skin.

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