Bonded by Metal

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Waking up to the usual sound of running water, (f/n) sat up on her bed and glanced over shyly towards the bathtub. She breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't find Tarhuinn there. When she peered down to his bed, he wasn't there either; however, she did discover a note in his place. Once in her hands, she read over it.

I've placed some breakfast for you on top of your dresser, and I'll be waiting for you in the garden.

A small smile touched her lips. He had granted her wish of not seeing her the morning of their wedding. Placing the note down, she got off of the bed and proceeded to eat her breakfast. After finishing, she completed her morning routine and changed into some new undergarments along with the purple dress.

She tied up the corseted bodice in the front before she buttoned the two buttons by the neck. The collar and long sleeves covered her undershirt, but, between the high collar and straight neckline was a gap, which exposed some of her skin. From the bodice, the dress flared out and went down to her midcalves. Its dark purple hue really was identical to the purple dying berries that Tarhuinn had shown her a little over a week ago.

With the dress on, she brushed her hair once more and pushed some of the loose strands behind her ears. Hopefully, she looked suitable enough. Taking a deep breath and exhaling, she made her way out of the room with her dishes in hand. Her free hand clenched around the skirt of her dress, and she walked slowly on the stone path. Once or twice, her eyes darted to the entrance doors when she passed them. It would be a waste of effort to try and open the doors. Besides, she had promised Tarhuinn that she would marry him, and because of it, she would get to exit through those doors tomorrow.

Forcing herself past the hall with the doors, she made her way to the garden after she had dropped off the dishes in the kitchen basin. As she neared, it felt like her heart might beat out of her chest or come up her throat. Somehow, her steps became even slower. When she entered the garden, though, she paused for a moment.

Directing her gaze over to Tarhuinn, she saw that he wore a long sleeved purple shirt and black pants. She had seen him wear the outfit before, but the significance of the event before her caused heat to rise to her cheeks. To avoid tripping or some other embarrassing mistake, she focused her attention on the officiant. It was her first time seeing another kelremm, though; this male was quite shorter than Tarhuinn, but he looked close in age. His hair was much shorter as well, only reaching his jaw line, while his facial structure gave him more of childish look.

Upon reaching the two of them, she stood across from Tarhuinn and looked up to him. Her head only came up to just below his shoulders after all. She folded her hands in front of her and gripped her fingers as the vows were read; however, her hands were soon taken up by Tarhuinn's. (F/n) knew that they were trembling in his. Embarrassed, she glanced away, and she heard him say, "I do."

On her turn, she was silent for a moment before she stuttered the words out, "I-I d-do." After her words, Tarhuinn pulled two rings out of his right pants' pocket. He slipped the silver ring onto her left ring finger, and she noted that it had plant-like designs worked into the metal. She took his ring and slipped it onto his left ring finger as well.

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