Something Disclosed

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

A raspy breath escaped his lips while his head still felt like it was fastened to the stone below it. "M-m ... my ..." he tried to speak but even saying that one word was like scratching gravel against his throat. Aqua leaned in a little bit to better hear him, but no other word would leave his mouth. He required water. His body was far too weak to have any conversation.

"Put his feet entirely in the water already!" he heard (f/n) cry out. He hated to hear the pain in her voice; he detested how he couldn't rush over to her and wrap his arms around her. "How do you expect him to talk when he's like that?!"

"He'll be able to handle whatever suffering he's experiencing. It's nowhere near what my kind went through," stated one of the male council members.

"That may be true, Cetar, but his wife does have a point. We'll be here for hours if we keep him up there," the mermaid, sitting voiced. She signaled for two of the guards to come and lift him off.

"I hope that you know what you're doing, Aqua. Once his feet fully touch the water, he may try to attack us again. This time we might not be fortunate enough to escape with no wounds," Cetar responded, crossing his arms over his chest and keeping a firm gaze on Tarhuinn.

Before the guards could bring Tarhuinn up or before Aqua could answer, (f/n) interrupted once more. "Let me bring him into the water. None of you will have to come near him that way. His feet will be in the smaller pool still so that there's a decent amount of distance between all of you. I haven't tried to attack any of you since I've woken up. Please, take that into consideration and let me help him."

The council members shared a glance before they grouped together and conversed on the matter. A spear remained pointed at her, but her attention was mainly focused on the four authorities. She wished to bring him to better health and be able to hear his voice again. When the four merfolk broke apart, Aqua halted the two guards. "She can bring him further into the miniature pool. She knows the consequence if she tries to cross us."

Relief flooded her countenance before she pushed herself to her feet. She was a shivering mess, but she could warm herself by one of the torches after Tarhuinn was taken care of. (F/n) rubbed her upper arms and walked around the pool before she reached him. His head turned to look at her. Dark blues meeting (e/c) ones, his lips steadily upturned into a small smile. The fingers on his right hand twitched as he attempted to lift his hand up to her.

Returning the smile, she clasped his hand with her own right. Warmth greeted her touch as she pulled upwards on him. Given their weight difference and the fact that he was practically dead weight, she struggled in the effort, but, eventually, she had him sitting up. Immediately, his body went to fall backwards. Quickly, she rested her other arm behind him and held him up.

His left arm raised itself to rest over their intertwined hands, but, in the process, he slumped forward. The weight of him drove them both into the small pool. Water splashed upwards. All of the guards instantly had their spears pointed at the pair but kept the weapons far enough away that neither could reach out and grab one of them.

Water being wiped from her eyes, she felt herself moved into a sitting position. Thumbs glided over her cheeks gently. She brought her hands up and placed them over his right. (F/n) leaned into his warm and comforting touch. "I'm so happy that you're alright. I was ... w-was ..." The words wouldn't leave past her lips.

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