Upon a Rumored Tale

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Dawn steadily came and met (f/n)'s (e/c) orbs. A smile rested on her lips as she could feel the warm beams break through some of the clouds and trees. It wasn't too warm, but it was still more welcoming than the arms of night. She loved how the light hit the running water and caused it to sparkle. The scenery took on a new life, yet the dangers still remained. They were just unseen for the moment.

She turned to her partner, about to wake him up. An image from her nightmare flashed before her eyes, however, and she withdrew her hand back. A frown dominated her mouth until she pushed the picture away. (F/n) couldn't let that nightmare conquer her mind. For this journey, she needed to be comfortable around him. They were a team, and they would have to work together to get through whatever obstacles laid ahead.

Perhaps, one of them could go forward on their own. The journey would take longer, though, and nights would offer little sleep. Besides, he was her husband. She felt the ring around her finger to remind herself more. Despite being terrified of his violent side, she needed to trust him. This nightmare was only putting doubt in her mind. It was just that, a nightmare and nothing else.

Reaching towards him again, she gently shook him. He shifted some in his sleep before he rolled onto his back and opened his eyes. His dark blues glanced up to her. A smile fell upon his lips. "Beautiful." Heat rose to her cheeks. It came even more so when his right hand raised itself to her left cheek and brushed against it. "This is one advantage to having our bed where the sun can reach. It highlights your beauty in an exceptional way, my ..."

Quickly, she threw her hands over his mouth. A questioning look crossed his eyes. Just as swiftly, she pulled back her hands and apologized. "Sorry, but thank you for the compliments. Still you shouldn't call me by that nickname now. We might have a long walk ahead of us."

A light chuckle escaped his lips as he sat up. It reminded her of smooth honey being poured into a warm winter drink. "Forgive me, I got ahead of myself. Now, isn't the time for that."

"Tomorrow morning, I'm stealing my cloak back before you wake up," she mumbled before she got off the makeshift bed and stood up. Another pleasing chuckle reached her ears. To get his mind off of such a thing, she asked, "Are we going to be eating while moving?"

"Yes, I think that staying here any longer would prove unwise. We may not be able to see that door, but we're still close enough to it. Let's put more distance between it and us." Standing up himself, he pulled up the cloaks and handed hers back to her.

Readily, she tied it up around her and hugged it to her body after she pulled up the hood. Her head finally had some protection against the biting cold. Tarhuinn did the same with his before they put on their packs and started to head down the stream more. Along the way, he took out some dried apricots and some of the dried meat. The taste of the seasoned meat almost caused her to gobble it down, but she forced herself to savor it. They probably wouldn't eat again until dusk.

The sun rose higher in the air as they continued downstream. She still avoided the dried twigs and fallen branches. Her attention, though, was also focused on their surroundings. Something could easily hide behind any of the many trees in the area. One of those things could be that snake creature that Tarhuinn told her about along the way. Thankfully, he did mention that they only come out at night, but she kept herself alert regardless. There might be one who stayed out later to try and get some hair.

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