Falling Stars

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

(F/n)'s watch had been uneventful. The haasna had never traveled back, and no unexpected visitors had revealed themselves. With her time passing, she rolled from her left side to her right. Tarhuinn seemed to be fast asleep. His chest's steady rise and fall almost lulled her to sleep. Her body wouldn't permit her too much more time to stay awake, so she called out his name quietly a few times.

This produced the desired result as he steadily began to awake. His dark blue eyes met her (e/c) orbs before he gave her a simple nod. Taking the signal, it wasn't long before her eyelids closed. It barely took a blink of the eyes before she drifted into sleep's embrace. If she could be awake at the same time, she would've surprised herself with how truly exhausted she was.

Switching to rest on his back, he positioned her so that his chest could serve as her pillow. She snuggled into him almost immediately before she settled down again. He made sure that the cloak was secured around them, more her than him. A content sigh escaped her lips while her hands gripped at his shirt lightly.

His right fingers brushed across her forehead softly. Her smooth skin was chilled with the cool night air, and her parted lips gave away her breath. She turned her head so that she could hide her face more in his shirt. Bringing his fingers back, he ran them over her silken locks. He twirled a couple of strands around his index finger. The strands slid off gracefully like a lone petal drifting to the ground.

Most of his attention was on her while some was partitioned to their surroundings. This was the case until the area grew somewhat brighter. A gap had opened up in the clouds. The moon's light shone down on the region while stars twinkled beside it. He was partially tempted to wake her up so that she may see the spectacular sight. On other nights, he had viewed something similar, but it seemed all the brighter now that he had her back.

The clouds didn't withhold, however. Droplets of rain started to fall a little distance off. Moonlight and starlight caused the beads of water to sparkle some, giving away the exact location of the wall of rain. They were under decent enough cover, and they may only receive a few droplets on them. If the rain grew heavier in its fall, then they may get quite wet.

Even though such a fate may befall them, he appreciated the scene before them. It was peaceful and beautiful. To its soothing tune, he found himself lightly humming. The notes were quiet enough that it wouldn't wake (f/n), but they were clear otherwise.

As the falling water progressed towards them, he didn't realize that his voice had increased in volume to be heard alongside the drip-dropping of the rain. The tune began to tug at the ears of (f/n). She shifted a little, which alerted him. He lowered his voice, but the strings had already been played.

Vision of the world returning to her, she kept herself still. Her ears picked up the sweet sound. They were called to it. It was as though they were listening to a myriad of the most pleasing tunes. Maybe, it was just Tarhuinn's voice's effect on her. His humming most likely was different to other ears, but she didn't mind. She was enchanted by it.

Gaze moving to the rain, she spotted it nearing them. Soon enough, it fell upon them. It was only a few drops, but the feel of the icy water made their matched pace all the more real. His voice seemed to meld with the rain, yet it contrasted the coldness of it. If they could dance upon the stars and be warm among them, that would be a near perfect description of what greeted her ears.

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