Night's Taste

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


The remainder of the day had been uneventful. (F/n) had continued to read the two books while Will had remained outside. He must have been at the back of the house because he wasn't anywhere near the lake. At least that was the case until it was close to dusk. Perhaps, he had gone to his secret holding area for his wicked appetite. If that place existed, she wanted to avoid it at all costs.

After a short stop at the lake shore, he came back into the house with two more clinglobs in hand. Closing the children's tales book, she was about to get up, but he walked into the room. "Hopefully, you weren't too bored in here all day."

"No, I enjoyed the reading. It's been awhile since I've just been able to sit down and read." That was somewhat true. Beforehand, she had been reading for research purposes. This was more of enjoyment reads. "Still, I wouldn't think you to still own a fairytale book, but it was nice to read some of the old tales again."

"Well, that book is my sister's. Honestly, she leaves a lot of things behind it seems," he answered with a sigh before a shrug followed. It sounded, though, like he was holding something back. She questioned whether the original owner of the book was really his sister.

Getting to her feet, she grabbed the books and put them away. "Can I help with dinner? You made breakfast this morning, and I just sat by. So, I feel that I should be more helpful."

"I wouldn't mind the aid. Come along then, and I'll show you how to make some delicious soup." He turned on his heel and headed back into the kitchen. When they were both by the preparation counter, he set the fish down before he started to show her how to cut them. Will worked on the first and handed the knife to her for the second.

If she were committed to her old tactic of attacking him to convince him, she would've held the knife to his throat in an instant. Since that wasn't the case, she brought it to the fish. As she was cutting the clinglob, though, she could easily feel Will's stare on her. It was unsettling to say the least. Was he imagining her under the knife?

His left hand soon rested over her right. "That's enough ... Let's turn to seasoning now." Complying, she placed the knife down and looked over to him. There was the tiniest of grins on his lips. It appeared as though he had been chuckling madly to himself. It vanished soon after, but it reminded her that at any moment he could lash out at her. She could be his next meal within a few seconds.

Once everything for the meal had been prepared, Will grabbed the pot and went outside to fill it with water. From there, she placed the fish, seasonings and herbs into the pot before it was put over the fire. When the meal was ready, they both ate. Light conversation greeted them along with the occasional lingering glance and dual meaning remark from him. Nothing of new information came to her ears, which was a disappointment. It appeared, though, that Will was purposely avoiding anything of that nature, meaning that the memory from before was possibly still haunting him.

As the night before, he headed out to take his bath, though; this time, he took the dishes and wash bucket as well. She made her way into the bedroom, taking her boots off and putting them in the same place as the last night. (F/n) pulled the covers over herself and kept her gaze on the ceiling. Were she to glance out the window, she would see something that she would rather evade.

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