Last Chance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Even though she was kneeling in snow, with no real protection against her skin, the metal of the dagger felt colder. Maybe, that was because the rest of her body had gone numb, but the more likely explanation was that with one swipe she could be killed. She tensed under the dagger as it moved from her chin to her chest. Will began to tap it against the dress as if debating something, but his eyes never left hers. His grin never vanished from his face. (F/n) wished to close her eyes and think it all to be one nightmare. When she would open her eyes again, she would be back with Tarhuinn.

He twirled the blade between his fingers, permitting the sharp edges to cut through the fabric a little while also digging into her skin. She tried to pull back from him, but he drew the blade back and brought her closer. "Now, now, Bluebell, you know better than to try and get away," he chuckled out before he seated himself and placed her between his legs.

Will rested the dagger on the ground for the moment while he kept her wrists secure. With his free hand, he dragged his index finger across the small amount of blood on her chest before he licked it off his finger. "Delicious," he purred, not breaking eye contact with her. She desired to call him an endless amount of insults, but she held her tongue. Angering him would be a poor move at this point. (F/n) had to somehow push through the terror and find a solution to this.

A cry of surprise left her lips, however, when she was spun around to have her back facing him. His right arm wrapped around her waist and secured her arms there as his left hand smeared the crimson across her chest some. Will's lips rested near her left ear. Grazing his teeth across her helix, he whispered, "So, here's the plan. Tonight, I'm going to take what your husband never did. I'm going to show you how well I can pleasure a woman."

His hand glided down from her chest. Blood sullied the white and pink fabric of the dress. (F/n) unintentionally pressed more into him as his hand moved past her navel. She squirmed against him, trying to get him to stop. "I'm going to make sure to taste your innocence." As his lips glided across her jaw, she couldn't hold it in anymore. Parting her lips, she went to scream. A hand covered her mouth swiftly. "I'll have none of that. The only screaming that I'll permit is when you're screaming my name in pleasure."

Her head shook against him, but she was thankful that the rain covered her tears. His hand pressed more against her and pushed her head into his chest more. In response, she opened her mouth and bit down hard on his skin. Will, however, only laughed. "I suppose that I can let you have a taste of me right now, though, only a little. I'll save you the rest for later." Bile rose up her throat, but she forced it back down. Unfortunately, the blood from his hand traveled down as well. She nearly choked on it, but, thankfully, he drew his hand away from her mouth.

Sliding his fingers under her chin, he turned her head towards him and smirked. "And after I've had my fill for tonight, I'll drag you back to my cabin. You won't be staying in my nice, comfortable room, however. Rather, I'll take you down to my lovely storage space. I'll..."

Before he could finish, she rammed her arms against the one around her waist. The collision caused his arm to loosen its hold for a moment, and she reached for the dagger. Her fingers had just reached the handle, but she was thrown back. Snow greeted all of her limbs, though; the feeling in them was lessening.

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