Caught at Night

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Setting the bowls and spoons down in front of them, (f/n) took a seat and glanced over to Tarhuinn. His face rested against his right knuckles. He peered down to the food before him before he sat more upright. "Did he teach you how to make this?" he questioned as he swirled the spoon around in the soup.

"Yes, but it tastes good." Despite her answer, he continued to seemingly stare at it. "I know that this place isn't exactly a relaxing retreat, but it's keeping us warm for the night. And, I understand that you don't want to eat something that he had made in the past, but a warm meal will serve you well."

"I know," he responded, leaving the spoon in the bowl. He leaned forward on his elbows and rested his chin on his intertwined hands. "It's just that I see this place, and I see you with him here. It's frustrating to know that I couldn't get to you. I was so worried that I would never see you again, yet I was restrained by the pixies. If I had just run faster when I had escaped the other night, you would've been spared last night's nightmarish happenings."

Shaking her head, she set down her own spoon. "If your escape had been successful, what would've occurred? You would've tried to deal with Will but would've had a high chance of dying. You coming here any earlier would've exposed me, and I might've failed to think of a solution while you might've died. If that had happened, I would've been dragged down to his storage and probably would never see the light of day again.

"Everything worked out in the end. We got past the pixies, and we can now go confront these authors. We're back on our original course. Stop dwelling on the past events; it's not worth it. You're sacrificing your health with your worry."

A small smile touched his lips before he sat back up on the chair. "Easier said than done, but I'll take your advice for tonight." He turned to the soup and proceeded to eat with her. Dinner passed by quietly before she took the dishes and went to go wash them. When she had gone to fill the pot full of water for the soup, Tarhuinn had given her another dagger to protect herself with. Thankfully, she didn't have to use it on her trip outside.

Coming back in through the open door since he had ordered to leave it open while she was out, she closed it behind her and put the dishes away. Once she faced him again, she glanced between him and the bedroom. If she removed his feet from the bucket, she could hurry it into the other room. Given the distance that he had crossed earlier that evening, he should be alright with the move.

"Can you remove your feet for a moment?" she asked as she bent over to pick the bucket back up. "I'm going to move the water into the bedroom for you." Nodding, he took his feet out while she hurried to set the bucket by the bed. As soon as it was placed on the ground, Tarhuinn had slipped his feet into the water. He seated himself by the headboard of the bed and leaned against it.

"You didn't share this bed with him, did you?"

Seating herself beside him, she shook her head. "No, of course not. I would never sleep beside that monster. I made sure to stay away from the pixies' idea of persuasion."

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on her left cheek. A light dose of heat flooded her cheeks, and she could feel him smile against her skin. "Good. I can't have you cuddling up to another man." He pulled back from her and lifted her legs onto the bed before he draped the sheets over her. "I still intend to kill him on our way back, though."

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