Conversation's Clue

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

After she had hurriedly gotten out of the water, she dressed herself, partially wet undergarments and all, and headed inside for a bit of warmth. Hearing her footsteps, Will looked to her once more while he bore an entertained grin on his lips. She pursed her lips in response before she went inside. (F/n) noted that he had scanned over her dress rather slowly and obviously. If she had worn the undergarments that he had picked out, she imagined that his stare would've been longer.

That was another trait that she missed about Tarhuinn: his sense of decency. Whenever she would take a bath, he would look away and not turn around until she told him that she was ready. With the tenlite incident, he had kept his gaze forward, not looking at her exposed self. A frown worked its way on her lips before she took a seat at the table. Hearing the door open behind her, she returned it to her somewhat childish expression of contracted lips and raised nose.

A hand rested on top of her head before she felt her wet hair be ruffled a little. Instantly, she pulled away from him and tried to fix the damage, but more knots had already formed. Glaring at him in a non-threatening manner, she was about to speak before he voiced, "It's good to see that you're more relaxed today. I'd rather not have a lovely girl worried sick under my roof."

"Oh, so you like having other girls in that state here?" she questioned as she crossed her arms across her chest and acted like she had said the most clever thing in the world.

"Of course not," he replied, placing his right hand over his heart. He wore a hurt expression, though clearly fake, before he added, "I always make sure that a woman becomes satisfied if she enters my home."

"So, you've had other women stop by, then? Sounds like you're a popular man." She placed her chin in the palm of her right hand to get more comfortable. "Perhaps, I should take my leave so that I don't interrupt any future encounters of yours."

Laughing, he placed the two clinglobs on the preparation counter at the back of the room. He grabbed a knife and started to go to work on breakfast. "Oh, have I made you jealous already? If you're husband is still alive, he would be quite mad to hear that. Still, I'm flattered."

Rolling her eyes, she wished to remark about Tarhuinn. The mage before her had no idea what beast lay in wait for the two of them. "I'm not jealous. I barely know you. All I've learned so far is that you're a confident mage and a pervert. You have some compassion for letting me stay here, but that gets overshadowed by the other two. Honestly, I'm just worried about your sister. You must get some scolding from her if you frequent women so much."

"You certainly know how to deflate a man's hopes, Bluebell," he sighed out before staring back at her. He set down the knife and made his way over. She tensed as she watched him like a hawk. Will stopped a few feet length from her. His right hand rested on his hip while his other hand covered part of his face. "Still, you have no idea the agony that my sister puts me through. The other women that come here are her friends, and when she brings them over, it's so exhausting."

He moved back from her before he collapsed onto his chair. Both his hands went to his face as he leaned forward. His fingers combed back until his golden blonde locks became somewhat disorderly. "Her friends demand so much when they come for a visit. It's hard to satisfy their appetite."

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