A Dreadful Display

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Pain raced through his right cheek. Tarhuinn groaned in discomfort, and, steadily, he opened his eyes. As he grew more awake, he could feel how badly the rest of his body hurt. The burns on his wrists and ankles made his skin there far too sensitive for his liking. It was as though he was still being burned by the watery restraints.

He shifted himself a bit to try and be more comfortable, but that only caused the stone chair to rub against his wounds. His breath caught in his throat as he held onto a sharp gasp of pain. A rough tug on his hair caused him to emit it. Behind him, he heard a chuckle. "I'm surprised that you woke up so quickly. I thought that you would've been out for a lot longer given how pathetic you are," Icniss taunted, moving around the chair and releasing his hair.

Tarhuinn's head fell forward from the sudden release. A glare rested upon his face as he looked up to the mage through his disarrayed hair. Before he could respond, his chin was grabbed roughly. He met the ocean blue eyes of Amtoma. There was a small smile on her lips while she dug her sharp nails into his skin. Already, he could feel a warm substance run down his cheek from the slap, and more added itself as she held his gaze.

"Don't listen to the boy. You lasted long enough for a first time, but I do expect you to stay awake longer on our next session. After all, you disturbed me while I was dealing with my disgraceful partner. I can't let you get away with that."

An amused smile fell upon Tarhuinn's lips. "What makes you think that I'll only disturb you once? You've already failed in capturing my wife, and I doubt that you'll catch her. She's not an easy individual to restrain. So, what makes you think that you can hold me until my death? You're all laughable excuses for a threat. You hide behind your spies and have them do your dirty work. The merfolk are more dangerous than any of you will ever be."

"Why you!" she shouted, gripping his face harder. Red pooled around her fingertips, but Tarhuinn just continued to smile while his eyes shone with a bloodthirsty gleam. "How dare you compare us to those creatures! We're better than them, and they bow before us. We're the ones controlling everything in these parts, and you'll learn that I'll be your worst nightmare!"

Plopping himself onto one of the chairs, Rocean crossed his arms over his chest and placed his feet on the table. "You're making me jealous with the way that you're talking to him," he chuckled out, closing his eyes some as though he were about to take a nap.

Dropping her grip on Tarhuinn, she roughly faced him. "Now, you know how I feel every day, yet you continue to jest about sleeping around!"

"Byda, you need to get over it. So, I slept with one of Cian's daughters. I don't even remember her name. She could've lived years, with the serum, after Icniss turned two, but I let you kill her on his second birthday. Still, though, you remain so jealous."

"It's because you act so flippant about it! We both know that you would sleep with another human if you were given the chance. Obviously, I need to be rougher with you. I'll ..."

"That's enough you two!" Alpontus slammed his hands on the table. "You can save your arguments for later. We have more important matters to take care of." His eyes turned to Tarhuinn, who leaned back in his chair and scowled to the head author. The author looked back to the arguing lovers, who did quiet down. Amtoma took a seat across from Rocean while Icniss leaned back against a nearby wall.

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